

發(fā)布時間:2018-10-11 17:04
【摘要】:與傳統(tǒng)的水下推進器相比,仿生機器魚具有推進效率高、機動性好和對環(huán)境擾動小等優(yōu)點。因此,仿生機器魚的設計和研究成為水下機器人領域的一個重要課題。研究表明,對于身體-尾鰭推進(簡稱BCF)運動模式的機器魚,推進機構的工作效率是影響機器魚游速的一個重要因素;具有二維運動空間的尾鰭推進器能極大地精簡機器魚的機械結構和運動控制。本文設計了一款基于新型二自由度尾鰭推進機構的仿生機器魚,避免了推進機構中電機頻繁正反轉導致的低傳動效率問題,并且只通過尾鰭就實現(xiàn)了機器魚的直線巡游、轉彎、上浮和下潛四種基本運動。機器魚的水下實驗結果表明,機器魚具有良好的游速和機動性能,可為機器魚的推進機構設計提供一種新的參考。主要研究內容如下:(1)設計了一種新型的二自由度尾鰭推進機構,并完成了機器魚的系統(tǒng)設計。介紹了在機器魚的設計過程中需要解決的主要問題和系統(tǒng)構成,在比較分析現(xiàn)有推進機構的基礎上,提出了一種二自由度尾鰭推進機構的設計方案,并給出了具體的結構設計。確定了使用大容量鋰電池和無刷直流電機作為機器魚的動力單元,解決了機器魚的無線通訊設計和硬件設備方案設計。對機器魚的密封方案進行了優(yōu)化設計,借助SolidWorks工具對機器魚的配重進行了評估。最終,完成了二自由度尾鰭推進仿生機器魚的原理樣機設計。(2)建立了二自由度尾鰭推進機構的運動學方程并進行了虛擬樣機仿真分析。介紹了該新型二自由度尾鰭推進機構的運動原理,以雙斜面轉塊和萬向節(jié)的運動一致性作為解決推進機構運動學方程的出發(fā)點,推導了推進機構的運動學方程,給出了運動學正、逆解。提出了推進機構的電機同速同向運動和同速反向運動的兩種運動模式,以及速度和位置的兩種控制模式。在Adams中對機器魚虛擬樣機模型的直線游動、轉彎、上浮和下潛方式進行了運動學仿真,給出了尾鰭擺角在相應的電機輸入函數(shù)下的變化曲線,驗證了該新型二自由度尾鰭推進機構用于機器魚的可行性。(3)開展了機器魚的游動測試和實驗結果分析。根據(jù)運動學仿真的結果,建立了五種游動姿態(tài)下的控制策略,給出了相應的電機控制參數(shù)變化表,并在Visual Studio環(huán)境下編寫了控制程序。實驗前完成了對各模塊的調試、密封性檢驗和配重修正。利用無人機航拍的方式在戶外水塘中進行了直線游動和轉彎游動實驗,通過對獲取的視頻進行處理得到機器魚位置坐標的游動實驗數(shù)據(jù)。實驗結果表明,機器魚的游速約為0.69m/s,最小轉彎半徑約為0.23m(0.16BL)。
[Abstract]:Compared with the traditional underwater propeller, the bionic robot fish has the advantages of high propulsion efficiency, good maneuverability and low disturbance to the environment. Therefore, the design and research of bionic robot fish has become an important subject in the field of underwater vehicle. The research shows that the working efficiency of the propulsion mechanism is an important factor to affect the swimming speed of the robot fish with body-caudal fin propulsion (BCF) motion mode. The caudal propeller with two-dimensional motion space can greatly simplify the mechanical structure and motion control of robot fish. In this paper, a bionic robot fish based on a new two-degree-of-freedom tail fin propulsion mechanism is designed, which avoids the problem of low transmission efficiency caused by the frequent forward and backward rotation of the motor in the propulsion mechanism, and realizes the straight line cruise and turning of the robot fish only through the caudal fin. Floating and diving four basic sports. The underwater experiment results of the robot fish show that the robot fish has good swimming speed and maneuverability, which can provide a new reference for the design of the propulsion mechanism of the robot fish. The main contents are as follows: (1) A new 2-DOF caudal fin propulsion mechanism is designed, and the system design of robot fish is completed. This paper introduces the main problems and system structure in the design of robot fish. On the basis of comparing and analyzing the existing propelling mechanism, a design scheme of two-degree-of-freedom caudal fin propulsion mechanism is put forward, and the concrete structure design is given. The large capacity lithium battery and brushless DC motor are used as the power unit of the robot fish. The wireless communication design and hardware design of the robot fish are solved. The sealing scheme of robot fish was optimized and the weight of robot fish was evaluated by SolidWorks tool. Finally, the principle prototype design of two-degree-of-freedom caudal fin propulsion bionic robot fish is completed. (2) the kinematics equation of two-degree-of-freedom caudal fin propulsion mechanism is established and the virtual prototype simulation analysis is carried out. This paper introduces the motion principle of the new two-degree-of-freedom caudal fin propulsive mechanism. The kinematics equation of the propeller mechanism is derived by using the kinematic consistency of the double inclined plane turning block and the universal joint as the starting point to solve the kinematics equation of the propulsion mechanism. The forward and inverse kinematics solutions are given. In this paper, two motion modes of the motor in the same speed and the reverse motion at the same speed, as well as the two control modes of the speed and the position of the propulsion mechanism are proposed. In Adams, the kinematics simulation of the straight line swimming, turning, floating and diving mode of robot fish virtual prototype model is carried out, and the variation curve of tail fin swing angle under the corresponding motor input function is given. The feasibility of the new two-degree-of-freedom caudal fin propulsion mechanism for robot fish was verified. (3) the swimming test and experimental results of the robot fish were carried out. According to the results of kinematics simulation, five control strategies under swimming attitude are established, and the corresponding control parameter table is given, and the control program is written in Visual Studio environment. Before the experiment, the debugging, sealing test and counterweight correction of each module were completed. In this paper, the swimming experiment of straight line and turn was carried out in the outdoor pond by aerial capture of UAV. The swimming experiment data of the position coordinates of the robot fish were obtained by processing the obtained video. The experimental results show that the speed of swimming is about 0.69 m / s and the minimum turning radius is about 0.23 m (0.16BL).


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