

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-10-07 17:24
[Abstract]:In recent years, small dot spacing LED display screen has been rapidly developed, widely used in various industries. In the small dot spacing LED display system, the driver chip plays a very important role. By driving the control circuit to obtain a stable current, so that the display screen display exquisite image and video information. It can be seen that the key to the quality of the display picture and the performance of the drive circuit lies in the design of the display driver chip, which is embodied in the two indexes of refresh frequency and grayscale grade. In view of this, this paper designs a ICN2053 driver chip with high refresh and high gray scale to meet the demand of small dot spacing LED display screen display. (1) aiming at the common problems of small dot spacing LED display screen, the following is the ghost, the first line is dark, the brightness is uneven, Based on the existing analog circuits with constant output current, a series of solutions are proposed. Based on the research of 16-channel ICN2053 driver chip and Verilog hardware description language, the digital module of the chip is designed by RTL, and some special function modules, such as precharge circuit module, open circuit detection function, are used to design the digital module of the chip. The current gain adjustment and PWM optimization can solve these common problems well. (2) aiming at the problem of refresh rate, this design adopts a new type of PWM with pulse dispersion (SPWM). The input gray data is processed and optimized by the memory mode of built-in dual SRAM. Compared with the traditional drive chip, the refresh rate of the display screen can be greatly improved. In addition, the ICN2053 chip has multiple instructions and configuration registers, which can achieve more control and functions, such as the adjustable number of scattered groups, and the different refresh rates of different batching groups. It is advantageous to choose different ways to control the LED display, Therefore, the most suitable display effect. ICN2053 chip can achieve the highest refresh rate of 30720Hz. it can effectively avoid the occurrence of bad phenomena such as flicker and stripes under high-speed photography. (3) the ICN2053 chip supports 1 / 32 scan for gray-scale problems. By using the grayscale clock GCLK counting and sampling, the output display of 16-bit 65536 grayscale data can be realized, which theoretically supports the formation of about 281 trillion colors of full-color display screen red, green and blue. At the same time, the ICN2053 chip supports the optimization of the pulse width of low gray level, and has a very good effect of low gray display, which is very important for the small dot spacing LED display screen. This allows the display to display high grayscale characteristics at low brightness. In this paper, the top-down design method of ICN2053 chip is adopted. On the basis of the functional framework, the module is divided into modules and the RTL design, simulation and synthesis are carried out to get the Netlist, layout and routing through the back-end layout to realize the layout and flow sheet of the chip. Finally, through the simulation and experimental test of ICN2053 chip, the results basically meet the design requirements, and the conclusion that the ICN2053 driver chip has high refresh rate, high gray scale characteristic and good low ash display effect is obtained. Can support the small dot spacing LED screen work perfectly, does not have the display quality question.


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