

發(fā)布時間:2018-09-14 13:56
[Abstract]:Educational robots are involved in computer, electronic circuits, mechanical manufacturing, art design, artificial intelligence and other technical fields. Robot education is more user oriented, from primary and middle school students to college students. In order to meet the needs of different users, the educational robot software system needs to be powerful, easy to operate, and the current educational robot software system has a single function and poor versatility. Therefore, the development of educational robot software system with rich function, wide application and strong versatility is of great significance to the development of educational robot. The graphic programming system of educational robot designed in this paper is an application program which supports both graphical programming and C language programming. It is suitable for different levels of users. The system provides custom function of adding new metafunctions, cross-platform compiling function and expanding function of users, which provides more flexible programming space for users. The main contents of this paper are as follows: (1) the advantages and problems of educational robot at home and abroad are analyzed. According to the design idea of educational robot software system, the overall design of educational robot graphical programming system is put forward. It includes the requirement analysis, structure design and interface design of educational robot graphical programming system. (2) the graphic programming function is designed according to the specific functional requirements of educational robot graphical programming system. Graphic programming functions include drag-and-drop meta-programming, attribute box modification parameters, automatic wiring between elements, graphical program automatically generate program code, add new elements that are not available in the library. (3) to satisfy the high generality of the system, Design cross-platform compilation function, support single-chip microcomputer MCU and FPGA two platforms of automatic classification compilation. (4) to build a powerful system, need a wealth of extended functions. The system supports real-time data processing and remote downloading, which makes the system more functional and meets the needs of users. Compared with the previous educational robot software system, the educational robot graphical programming system developed in this paper is more versatile, more flexible, more practical, and the system interface is simple and easy to operate. The whole system has been tested in practice.


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