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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-09-12 20:52
[Abstract]:Building intelligent control system is a highly automatic control system based on computer technology, automatic control technology and communication network technology. Intelligent building lighting system is an important part of intelligent building construction. According to the demand of intelligent building lighting control, this paper puts forward a solution of intelligent building lighting control system, and designs and implements it. Based on the Web architecture, this paper presents a solution to the lighting control system for intelligent buildings. Users can log on to the system by using a browser through an ordinary PC computer or a mobile phone and set up remote control over the system. The system consists of three parts: server, client and communication node. The server is responsible for the operation of the client and the control of the communication node. The client is responsible for issuing instructions and displaying feedback information. Communication nodes are not only responsible for lighting control, but also responsible for responding to server instructions. At the same time, in order to ensure the integrity and security of the system data, the II S security management mechanism is used to set up the running environment of the system, and the user's personal information is encrypted. The database operation is processed by ADO technology, which not only improves the speed of data processing, but also makes the operation easier, thus improves the response efficiency of the system and enables the system to run stably and efficiently.


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