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發(fā)布時間:2018-09-06 07:03
[Abstract]:The degree of global air pollution is becoming more and more severe, with the occurrence of a large range of haze weather in the central and eastern part of China in recent years. Industrial exhaust emission is the main culprit of haze weather. Industrial waste gas not only pollutes the environment, but also is a toxic gas. The 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China put the construction of ecological civilization in a prominent position, so it is urgent to design a new type of waste gas treatment device. This paper studies and designs a dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) plasma power supply for industrial waste gas treatment. Some key technical problems, such as equivalent circuit of power supply, topology, impedance matching, parameter calculation of main power circuit, mode of adjusting power, frequency tracking and so on, are theoretically analyzed. An experimental prototype with power of 2kW is designed by using the analysis results. The actual operation results of the prototype prove the correctness of the theoretical analysis and the practical value of the device. The main work of this paper is as follows: 1. Research on topology of inverter circuit used in power supply of waste gas treatment device. The topology of two kinds of load resonant inverter used in dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) plasma power supply is analyzed theoretically. Finally, the series resonant inverter topology is selected as the inverter topology of DBD type plasma power supply. Selection and Research of Power regulating Mode for dielectric Barrier discharge (DBD) Plasma Power supply. Through the comparison of several kinds of power regulation methods commonly used in dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) plasma power supply, the power regulation mode of PWM is chosen as the power regulation mode of this design. Impedance matching study and Analysis of dielectric Barrier discharge (DBD) Plasma Power supply. Based on the analysis of the ideal transformer, the actual transformer is modeled and analyzed. Finally, the method of measuring and calculating the actual transformer is given. Study on Control Strategy of dielectric Barrier discharge (DBD) Plasma Power supply. The working state of series resonant inverter circuit is analyzed, and a PWM power regulation mode is proposed as the output power control mode of exhaust gas treatment power supply. Research on Frequency tracking Control Circuit of Barrier discharge (DBD) Plasma Power supply. Based on the existing frequency tracking circuit, a frequency tracking control circuit based on CD4001 is proposed. The frequency of the power switch is approximately equal to the resonant frequency in the resonant network, which makes the inverter work in a weak inductive state. Finally, an experimental prototype with a power of 2 kW and a frequency of 40kHz is made by using the above analysis results. The correctness and feasibility of the theoretical analysis are verified by the analysis of the experimental waveforms.


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