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發(fā)布時間:2018-09-02 07:41
【摘要】:火車站廣場智能建筑信息系統(tǒng)眾多,但彼此獨立,沒有信息交換,構(gòu)成了“信息孤島”,缺少統(tǒng)一控制和管理,導(dǎo)致重復(fù)建設(shè)、效率低下。本課題針對以上問題,以鄭州火車站西廣場的智能化系統(tǒng)工程為背景,對火車站西廣場的建筑信息系統(tǒng)進行智能化集成,包括:視頻監(jiān)控系統(tǒng)、停車場管理系統(tǒng)、智能照明系統(tǒng)和樓宇自控系統(tǒng)。保證各系統(tǒng)能夠穩(wěn)定、高效運行,在此基礎(chǔ)上整合各子系統(tǒng)資源,協(xié)調(diào)管理各子系統(tǒng)間的聯(lián)動。通過界面集成、功能集成和數(shù)據(jù)集成,實現(xiàn)數(shù)據(jù)共享,集中監(jiān)管,提升綜合管理能力。論文首先對整個集成系統(tǒng)進行總體設(shè)計,通過對各個被集成子系統(tǒng)的結(jié)構(gòu)及通信接口分析,確定對子系統(tǒng)的集成方案。集成系統(tǒng)軟件總體分為三層:通信接口層、控制管理層、表現(xiàn)層進行設(shè)計;诖嗽O(shè)計開發(fā)了集成監(jiān)管平臺,包括用戶登錄管理、子系統(tǒng)遠(yuǎn)程管理、子系統(tǒng)功能集成、聯(lián)動管理和統(tǒng)計報表等模塊。用戶登錄管理模塊是對用戶信息管理以及用戶登錄的安全驗證;子系統(tǒng)遠(yuǎn)程管理模塊實現(xiàn)對子系統(tǒng)計算機的遠(yuǎn)程管理;子系統(tǒng)功能集成模塊是對視頻監(jiān)控子系統(tǒng)、停車場管理子系統(tǒng)、智能照明子系統(tǒng)和樓宇自控子系統(tǒng)的功能和數(shù)據(jù)集成;聯(lián)動管理模塊是對停車場管理子系統(tǒng)和照明系統(tǒng)的聯(lián)動管理;統(tǒng)計報表模塊實現(xiàn)對系統(tǒng)數(shù)據(jù)整理統(tǒng)計并形象化呈現(xiàn)。集成監(jiān)管平臺采用基于.NET框架的面向?qū)ο蟮母呒壘幊陶Z言C#編寫,采用SQL Server 2008數(shù)據(jù)庫實現(xiàn)數(shù)據(jù)管理。在集成監(jiān)管平臺中需要對各個子系統(tǒng)功能進行集成。通過對視頻監(jiān)控子系統(tǒng)提供的SDK進行二次開發(fā),在集成監(jiān)管平臺實現(xiàn)視頻的實時監(jiān)視,報警信號的監(jiān)聽等功能;通過對照明子系統(tǒng)進行Web Service調(diào)用,實現(xiàn)對燈具的狀態(tài)查詢和控制;通過開發(fā)OPC客戶端,連接樓宇子系統(tǒng)提供的OPC服務(wù)器,獲取設(shè)備的狀態(tài)及報警信息;通過開發(fā)網(wǎng)關(guān)接口,進行socket通信,實現(xiàn)對停車場管理子系統(tǒng)的數(shù)據(jù)庫監(jiān)測和操作。為了對系統(tǒng)進行更有效的管理,實現(xiàn)子系統(tǒng)間的聯(lián)動,通過對停車場管理系統(tǒng)中車輛和車位信息的實時監(jiān)測,實現(xiàn)根據(jù)車輛信息的實時變化智能控制照明系統(tǒng)。實現(xiàn)方式為對停車場管理系統(tǒng)數(shù)據(jù)庫相關(guān)表建立觸發(fā)器,當(dāng)車輛和車位信息表數(shù)據(jù)發(fā)生變化時,觸發(fā)器調(diào)用UDF,在UDF中通過ZeroMQ消息中間件把消息發(fā)送給集成監(jiān)管平臺,集成監(jiān)管平臺對消息進行處理,發(fā)送控制信息到照明系統(tǒng)。本軟件實現(xiàn)了對視頻監(jiān)控系統(tǒng)、停車場管理系統(tǒng)、智能照明系統(tǒng)和樓宇自控系統(tǒng)的基本集成,并實現(xiàn)對停車場管理系統(tǒng)和智能照明系統(tǒng)的聯(lián)動管理。本系統(tǒng)可在局域網(wǎng)內(nèi)穩(wěn)定的運行,能夠?qū)ψ酉到y(tǒng)進行集中管理,達(dá)到1+12的效果。本系統(tǒng)經(jīng)鄭州火車站西廣場測試使用,性能穩(wěn)定,能夠可靠工作,達(dá)到預(yù)期設(shè)計要求。本文設(shè)計的集成監(jiān)管平臺是對傳統(tǒng)孤立子系統(tǒng)的一種改進,在中小型智能建筑領(lǐng)域具有較好的應(yīng)用前景。
[Abstract]:There are many intelligent building information systems in railway station square, but they are independent of each other and have no information exchange, which constitute "information isolated island", lack of unified control and management, lead to repeated construction and low efficiency. Based on the intelligent system engineering of the west square of Zhengzhou railway station, this subject integrates the building information system of the west square of the railway station, including: video surveillance system, parking lot management system, Intelligent lighting system and building automation system. The system can run stably and efficiently. On this basis, the resources of each subsystem can be integrated and the linkage between the subsystems can be coordinated and managed. Through interface integration, function integration and data integration, data sharing, centralized supervision and promotion of integrated management ability. Firstly, the overall design of the whole integrated system is carried out. Through the analysis of the structure and communication interface of each integrated subsystem, the integration scheme of the subsystem is determined. The integrated system software is divided into three layers: communication interface layer, control layer and presentation layer. Based on this design, an integrated supervision platform is developed, including user login management, subsystem remote management, subsystem function integration, linkage management and statistical report. The user login management module is the security verification of user information management and user login; the subsystem remote management module realizes the remote management of subsystem computer; the subsystem function integration module is the video monitoring subsystem. The function and data integration of parking lot management subsystem, intelligent lighting subsystem and building automatic control subsystem, the linkage management module is the linkage management of parking lot management subsystem and lighting system. The statistical report module realizes the statistics and visualization of the system data. The integrated supervision platform is written by C #, an object oriented programming language based on. Net Framework, and data management is realized by SQL Server 2008 database. In the integrated regulatory platform, we need to integrate the functions of each subsystem. Through the secondary development of the SDK provided by the video surveillance subsystem, the functions of real-time video monitoring and alarm signal monitoring are realized on the integrated supervision platform, and the lighting subsystem is called by Web Service. Through developing the OPC client, connecting the OPC server provided by the building subsystem, obtaining the status of the equipment and alarm information, developing the gateway interface, carrying out the socket communication, The database monitoring and operation of parking lot management subsystem is realized. In order to manage the system more effectively and realize the linkage between subsystems, the intelligent lighting system can be controlled according to the real-time variation of vehicle information through the real-time monitoring of vehicle and parking space information in the parking lot management system. When the data of vehicle and parking space information table changes, the trigger calls UDF, to send the message to the integrated supervision platform through ZeroMQ message middleware in UDF. The integrated monitoring platform processes messages and sends control information to the lighting system. This software realizes the basic integration of video surveillance system, parking lot management system, intelligent lighting system and building automatic control system, and realizes the linkage management of parking lot management system and intelligent lighting system. This system can run stably in LAN, can manage the subsystem centrally and achieve the effect of 112. The system is tested and used in the West Square of Zhengzhou Railway Station. The system is stable, reliable and meets the expected design requirements. The integrated supervision platform designed in this paper is an improvement on the traditional isolated subsystem and has a good application prospect in the field of small and medium-sized intelligent building.


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10 李昊e,




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