

發(fā)布時間:2018-04-13 05:27

  本文選題:媒介形象 + 受眾認同; 參考:《北京體育大學》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:In recent years, the popularity of TV reality shows has been rising, and the emergence of parent-child reality shows has swept across the country.With the coming of the sports year, sports star cross-border reality show has become a new hot topic, which is both an opportunity and a challenge.The Parent-Child reality Show, the key to the orgy, has, for the first time, made the public aware of a different side from the sports stars in the arena.In the "sports variety" boom, sports stars and reality TV "collision" is also getting more and more attention.This paper takes the media image and audience identity of sports stars in the parent-child reality show as the research object, selects Tian Liang, Yang Wei, Zou Shiming and Li Xiaopeng as the sample, synthetically uses the literature method, the content analysis method,This paper analyzes and compares the media image and audience identity, explores the reasons for the difference and puts forward the development strategy of sports star cross-border reality show.The results show that reality TV is the way to develop and construct new personal image cognition of sports stars.The sports stars in parent-child reality shows have different visual image, behavior image and ideal image, and their media images have distinct personal characteristics, among which personality charm and educational idea are the absolute factors that affect the audience's identity.The differences between media image and audience identity of sports stars in parent-child reality shows can be attributed to three aspects: sports stars, program groups and audience psychology.The sports star should better shape the media image through the linkage strategy inside and outside the reality show, for example, focusing on the sports spirit, showing the core competitiveness of the sports star, finding the right role orientation,To realize the win-win between the program brand and the personal image, to tap the individuality bright spot, to make good use of the social media to strengthen the label in all directions.At the same time, this paper puts forward some suggestions for the sustainable and healthy development of sports star cross-boundary reality show.At present, sports stars cross-boundary reality shows exist excessive entertainment, current athletes excessive idolization and other problems.Sports star reality TV should balance the relationship between sports and variety properly, highlight the essence of sports spirit and cultural connotation, and take part in reality show of active sports star should follow the principle of "two fit", which is suitable and appropriate.It is essential to strike a good balance between entertainment and sports.


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