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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-04-13 03:23

  本文選題:中職學(xué)生 + 深度學(xué)習(xí); 參考:《天津職業(yè)技術(shù)師范大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:Deep learning is a meaningful learning oriented to problem solving.In recent years, it has become the research hotspot of many educational scholars. In the outline of the National medium and long term Education Reform and Development Plan 2012-2020, it is pointed out that in order to develop vocational education vigorously, we must put it in a more prominent position.But in fact, the vocational education in our country is still in the contact research stage, and the shallow learning still dominates in the vocational education teaching.With the development of modern educational technology and the rapid development of digital learning activities, classroom learning has long been inseparable from the support of digital learning resources.Although abundant resources bring convenience to learners, some of them only enrich the form of information presentation and expand the width of students' acquisition of knowledge, and stay in a superficial level, which can not lead to students' deep thinking and conscious learning.Therefore, according to the characteristics of secondary vocational school students, the design of learning resources to promote in-depth learning, in the limited school learning, especially in the classroom teaching time,Forming a mechanism to promote students' deep learning efficiently is the necessary problem and inevitable direction to deepen the reform and development of vocational education and teaching.Guided by the theory of deep learning, this paper mainly explores the design and development of the learning resources of graphics and image processing courses offered by secondary vocational colleges, through the rational design and organization of resources.The purpose of this paper is to find out the form of resource presentation and expression to stimulate students' interest in learning in teaching, and to guide students to study in depth so as to improve the efficiency of teaching and learning.The main contents are as follows: first of all, the background and present situation of the research on deep learning are studied in combination with the research results of domestic and foreign scholars and experts, and the contents and methods of this study are determined to make the research feasible and clarify the theoretical and practical significance of the study.On the basis of this, the concept and connotation of deep learning and the basic characteristics of deep learning are expounded.In the course of the study, some students in the information department of a secondary vocational college were investigated and analyzed in depth, and it was found that the learners had insufficient learning motivation and so on.Based on the analysis of graphics and image processing course, this paper attempts to promote the students' in-depth learning through the reasonable design of the course.According to the characteristics and principles of learning resources, the content of learning resources is divided into situational resources, guiding resources, procedural resources, expanding resources and evaluating resources.This paper selects and designs the case of poster making project in the course, designs and develops and applies the related resources, continuously deepens the breadth and depth of resources, guides and promotes the transformation of students' learning style to deep learning.Finally, the summary and reflection of the whole study, pointing out the shortcomings of the study and the need for improvement, I hope that through the design and development of learning resources made by the attempt and exploration,It can provide some reference for the further study and the design of learning resources in the future.


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