

發(fā)布時間:2018-04-06 07:17

  本文選題:智慧城市 切入點:檔案信息化 出處:《鄭州航空工業(yè)管理學院》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:Internet of things technology, new broadband mobile communication network, cloud computing and other emerging Internet information technology are widely used, promoting the development of "smart city".The development of intelligent city also provides an opportunity for the development of archives informatization.This paper takes archival informatization as the research object, takes the construction of the intelligent city as the research background, deeply studies the related problems of the archival informatization, conforms to the requirements of the development of the times, in order to better guide and serve the practical work of the archival informatization.On the basis of a detailed understanding of the relevant theories of archival informatization in the context of intelligent city at home and abroad, the author summarizes the concept and characteristics of the intelligent city, and analyzes the relationship between archives informatization and the construction of intelligent city.This paper provides a reference for the archival information work in the context of the intelligent city, and then combs the present situation of the development of the archives informatization in the context of the intelligent city. There are some problems, such as unclear construction ideas, imperfect infrastructure and the lack of complex talents.It is urgent to strengthen the security protection of archival information. This paper analyzes the problems in the development of archival informatization, and puts forward some suggestions for the development of archival informatization under the background of intelligent city.Finally, taking the development of archives informatization of Zhengzhou archives as an example, this paper analyzes the present situation and existing problems of its development, and puts forward a scientific compilation plan for the innovation and development of archives informatization in the wise city of Zhengzhou.With the development of wisdom city, we should pay attention to the construction of standards and norms, strengthen human resources and increase the investment of funds.


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10 王左w,




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