

發(fā)布時間:2018-04-05 22:19

  本文選題:水平井 切入點:偏心環(huán)空 出處:《西安石油大學》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:In the operations such as casing drilling in narrow annular gap, small hole drilling, deep water drilling and horizontal well drilling in long horizontal section, the accurate calculation model of fluctuation pressure is to accurately predict bottom hole pressure and avoid wellbore and well leakage.The premise of the occurrence of complex downhole conditions such as wellbore instability.The commonly used wave pressure prediction models, such as Burkhardt model and Schuh model, are established for concentric annulus, but in the horizontal and inclined sections of horizontal wells, they are affected by gravity factors and cuttings bed.It can cause the string to be eccentric in the annulus.The calculation methods of wave pressure in eccentric annulus and concentric annulus are different.Aiming at the above problems, a steady and transient wave pressure calculation model for horizontal wells is established in this paper.In this paper, the influence of eccentricity on wave pressure in horizontal section of horizontal well is analyzed, and an improved golden section algorithm for fitting rheological parameters of drilling fluid and optimal selection of rheological model is proposed.The velocity distribution of annular fluid in different drill string working conditions is analyzed, and the influence of drill pipe joint, static shear force of drilling fluid and string acceleration on fluctuating pressure is analyzed.Secondly, according to the steady state and transient flow state of fluid in horizontal well, the calculation models of fluctuating pressure are established, and different eccentricity, rheological mode of drilling fluid and working condition of pipe string are considered in the process of establishing the model.The rationality of the model is verified. The calculation results of steady wave pressure of the flow in concentric annulus and eccentric annulus respectively and the error of many groups of experimental data measured by predecessors are within 10%.The maximum error between the transient wave pressure model and two wells measured by Burkhardt and Clark is 11.5% and 9.93% respectively.Finally, according to the established calculation model of wave pressure in horizontal wells, the calculation software of wave pressure is compiled by using Matlab language, and the sensitivity of parameter of wave pressure calculation model is analyzed by example calculation.The results show that the downhole wave pressure decreases with the increase of eccentricity, and decreases by about 50% at complete eccentricity, and the fluctuating pressure increases with the increase of the depth of diagonal point, the operating depth of string, the running speed and acceleration of string, etc.During drilling, the bottom hole fluctuation pressure increases with the increase of pump displacement, while the bottom hole swabbing pressure decreases with the increase of pump displacement.The influence of these factors on the fluctuating pressure should be fully considered in the field drilling operation, and finally the down-drilling speed should be limited to the maximum down-drilling speed calculated by the software.


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