

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-04-05 02:01

  本文選題:互聯(lián)網(wǎng) 切入點(diǎn):新聞媒體 出處:《山東大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:In 1969 the United States ARPANET (ARPANET) as the beginning of the rise of the Internet, making hundreds of millions or even billions of people worldwide into the Internet, using different operating methods and ways of thinking affect each person using it. Chinese is one of the Internet users, according to the China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC) statistics as of December 2016, China, users reached 731 million, equivalent to the total population, the rise of the Internet penetration rate reached 53.2%. the Internet provides a new social network, social network for people. The development of the society that not only make people communicate more frequently, convenient, also from man to distance more and more close to people's daily life. The integration of the Internet network has become the social life, living space and space indispensable. The Internet technology and the concept of renewal To accelerate the people's way of life and way of thinking, thinking the Internet has become the effective weapon to promote social development. Also, the Internet environment, the daily lives of people with the news media business is undergoing tremendous changes, this change not only exists in the journalism work, also exists in the form of news, the relationship also exists in the journalism and the audience. The network media in the dissemination of information has no authority and no center, more and more grassroots voices, everyone can express their views on any event, does not have to receive and obey authority center for the dissemination of the contents of the rise of Internet media. To break the traditional news media on news production and release of a dominant situation, and the recipient information on the role of blur, in some type of news In general, the public has even replaced the journalist's role, as the general "journalists", some from the media the number of fans, the number of clicks, forwarding number is even higher than some of the mainstream media. The influence of journalism in the Internet is undergoing tremendous change, the Internet provides a broad development platform for the news media and the public, the news media through the Internet fast, convenient advantages of dissemination of information, the public network media platform with various types of positive freedom sound. The Internet with its "high interaction", "characteristics of broad participation in" changing the ecological environment of the media. Everything has two sides, with the expansion of the network society we, in enjoy tremendous valuable resources at the same time, the differences between the Internet technology and media network news caused many ethical problems disturbing, this Some problems of some traditional forms of new journalism ethics, some are unique in the network media content. China's various social contradictions in the network society completely unmasked, the right of speech and authority of the news media continue to be challenged. With the development of Internet media, all kinds of news media organizations and journalists exposed naturally or half unconsciously. News ethics, amplification via the Internet, has aroused strong dissatisfaction and criticism from the public, on the Internet news ethics has become extremely urgent and necessary. It is found that the author observed, many scholars study the news ethics when only stay in the traditional media news ethics anomie, there will be less the net news ethics study even though, some scholars put forward the more constructive views are limited to some network essay has not formed the system.



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