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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-04-05 00:08

  本文選題:軍事演習(xí) 切入點(diǎn):實(shí)時(shí)顯示 出處:《山東大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:With the continuous development of military informatization, the military organs of various countries pay more and more attention to the research of battlefield situation system of information while striving to improve the armament technology.In the course of military exercises, it is convenient for commanders to observe and analyze the battlefield by displaying the exercise situation in real time, so that the troops can maintain the information superiority in the operational operations.After the exercise is over, the whole exercise is replayed and evaluated, which is helpful to summarize the operational experience.The actual combat exercise is the main form of military training in our country at present. However, at present, the domestic research and development of the actual military exercise situation assessment software system is relatively backward, the existing system has a relatively single function, and the feedback of the exercise situation information is not comprehensive enough.Exercise playback mechanism is not flexible enough and so on.The existence of these problems affects the effect of exercise evaluation and restricts the improvement of actual combat training level.In order to meet the need of actual combat training, a battlefield situation assessment system based on WPF is designed in this paper.The system integrates various functions, such as real-time display of exercise situation, real-time statistics of casualties, review and playback of exercise situation, generating exercise evaluation report forms, etc., so that it can more comprehensively feedback the state information of drill personnel.It can graphically show the casualties of both sides of the exercise, and it can provide the function of generating, exporting and printing the evaluation report.At the same time, the paper designs the exercise information table, exercise playback table and casualty statistics table to cooperate with the battlefield situation assessment system.This paper first introduces the overall design of battlefield situation assessment system.The system is divided into two functional modules: one is real-time display and statistical function module, used in the exercise process, the other is the review of playback and evaluation function module, after the end of the exercise.Aiming at the specific functions of the two functional modules, this paper designs five sub-modules, including: basic setup module, exercise live module, casualty statistics module, retrospective playback module and evaluation report module.The main part of the thesis introduces the design of database and battlefield situation assessment system in detail.Among them, the design and implementation of four main sub-modules, such as actual exercise, casualty statistics, retrospective playback and evaluation report, are introduced.In order to feedback the state information of the drill personnel more comprehensively, this paper designs the personnel mark control by using the custom control, which can display the state information returned by the lower computer in real time in the exercise scene.In this paper, ZedGraph is used to draw the histogram in real time, which can show the comparison of casualties between the two sides of the exercise in real time.In the retrospective playback module, the multithread technology can be used flexibly to realize the playback function of the whole exercise situation. At the same time, a player style user interface is designed so that the user can select the drill field times that need to be replayed according to the actual situation.And can control playback progress and playback speed.The paper uses crystal report technology to design the exercise evaluation report, which can reflect the exercise situation synthetically.Finally, the test flow and method of the system are introduced, and the test results of the main functions of the system are analyzed.The test results show that the system runs stably, the data is accurate, the interface is clear, the operation is convenient, and the system has good application value.


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