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發(fā)布時間:2018-04-03 19:46

  本文選題:飛秒激光成絲 切入點:非線性特性 出處:《吉林大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:Femtosecond laser pulses propagating in nonlinear media, when Kerr self focusing and defocusing plasma equilibrium, it will form the plasma filaments. Many nonlinear effects in the spinning process, is the focus of study. Because of strong femtosecond laser filamentation time high enough to air molecules excited to excited, and in molecular highly excited states once again return to the ground state, will emit characteristic fluorescence, in recent years, it has gradually become a hot research topic in the scientific community. This paper will be applied to femtosecond laser filamentation combustion science, put forward a new combustion diagnostic technique, namely femtosecond laser filamentation induced fluorescence spectroscopy technology, this technology can achieve detection of the intermediate products at the same time. A variety of combustion has great practical value in remote sensing and improve fuel energy conversion efficiency and so on. We make the femtosecond laser pulse For the production of butane flame during spinning of the backscattered fluorescence were detected, found a variety of combustion intermediates CN, CH, C_2 and N_2, showed a great difference in the distribution of flame space in N_2~+, this difference mainly depends on the gas temperature (density) distribution, at the same time, in a series of butane combustion the reaction occurs in the process will have some effects on the femtosecond laser filamentation induced fluorescence technique not only can be used for the detection of combustion intermediates in the process of implementation of the diagnosis of the combustion process, but also on the fuel gas composition detection can be contained in the air.



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