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發(fā)布時間:2018-04-02 11:14

  本文選題:陣列信號處理 切入點(diǎn):波達(dá)方向估計 出處:《中國科學(xué)技術(shù)大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:DOA estimation is an important branch of array signal processing, because of its wide application in radar, communication, sonar, conference system and other fields. The DOA estimation has developed rapidly in the past half century. In the real world, because of the multipath effect caused by the reflection of mountains, urban buildings and the military artificial electromagnetic interference, the coherent signals exist in large quantities. The traditional algorithm for decoherence is to process all coherent signals together, and the aperture loss of the array is large, which will greatly limit the number of coherent signals and the DOA estimation accuracy that the array can process. In practical applications, there are inevitable errors in array antennas, which will lead to a serious deterioration of DOA estimation performance. Therefore, it is not only of theoretical significance to study the DOA estimation algorithm under the condition of errors. It is also of great practical value. In this paper, some more effective algorithms are proposed by studying the DOA estimation of coherent signals under uniform linear array. The main work is as follows: 1. A direction of arrival (DOA) estimation algorithm for coherent signals based on forward spatial smoothing is proposed. The number of coherent signals in a group is estimated from small to many. First, the load of the group of coherent signals with the least number of signals is estimated, and the fading coefficients of the coherent signals are estimated. The component of the coherent signal is removed from the array covariance matrix by oblique projection operator, and the second least coherent signal is estimated until all the coherent signals are estimated. An improved algorithm for improving the accuracy of DOA estimation based on the forward and backward spatial smoothing algorithm is further studied. The components of each coherent signal are extracted from the array covariance matrix by oblique projection operator. The estimation accuracy of each group of coherent signals is further improved by using forward and backward spatial smoothing of more subarrays. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm has less array elements, lower signal-to-noise ratio and fewer rapid-beat numbers. When the number of signals is large, the performance of DOA estimation is higher. 2. An algorithm for estimating the direction of arrival of coherent signals by sequential grouping with mutual coupling error is proposed. The characteristics of uniform linear array and the relationship between mutual coupling error and spacing are used. The element at both ends of the array can be regarded as the auxiliary element, and the intermediate subarray has the same mutual coupling environment. The mutual coupling coefficient can be equivalent to the fading coefficient by the intermediate subarray, so the influence of mutual coupling can be ignored. The direction of arrival (DOA) estimation algorithm of coherent signals based on forward spatial smoothing can be used in intermediate subarrays. The coherent signal sequential block DOA estimation under mutual coupling error is realized. A direction of arrival estimation algorithm for independent signal and coherent signal under mutual coupling error is proposed. The independent signal is orthogonal to the noise subspace without spatial smoothing. The mutual coupling coefficient is equivalent to the signal energy through the intermediate submatrix, the load of the independent signal is estimated first, and the mutual coupling coefficient is further estimated by using the estimated DOA. Then the component of the independent signal is removed from the array covariance matrix and the mutual coupling coefficient is compensated, then the DOA of the coherent signal is estimated by sequential grouping.


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