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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-04-01 04:13

  本文選題:數(shù)據(jù)分析 切入點(diǎn):隨機(jī)森林 出處:《山東農(nóng)業(yè)大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:Monitoring and early warning of cotton aphids is the focus of the study on the early control of cotton aphids. The data related to the occurrence of cotton aphids are collected to analyze and predict the occurrence of cotton aphids, to control the cotton aphids in advance, to reduce the harm of cotton aphid to cotton, and to realize the high yield and high yield of cotton aphids.The research process of data analysis is carried out from two aspects: one is to use high performance machine algorithm, the other is to display and analyze the data from the point of view of data visualization.In this paper, the random forest algorithm was used to analyze the data of cotton aphid.Stochastic forest is an integrated classification machine learning algorithm composed of multiple decision trees, which is often used for data classification and prediction.Decision trees and multivariate linear regression algorithms are also used to predict data as well as random forests.However, different algorithms may lead to inconsistent prediction rates on the same dataset. Therefore, the accuracy of the three algorithms on the UCI data set and the armyworm dataset is compared.At present, the linear regression model is used to predict the pest grade of cotton aphid. The disadvantage of the linear regression model is that the expression of the factors is only a guess, so that the diversity and unpredictability of the factors are affected.The construction of the stochastic forest model will not be affected by the expression of the influencing factors. Moreover, the stochastic forest algorithm will not produce over-fitting, and it can deal with large sample sets quickly, and it is insensitive to multivariate collinearity, and the accuracy of classification and prediction is high.The comparative experiment in this paper shows that the accuracy of random forest in data prediction is high. In the later experiment, the random forest algorithm is applied to the prediction of cotton aphid grade.Cotton is an important cash crop in China, which plays an important role in agricultural economic pattern.The cotton aphid is the main factor to reduce the yield of cotton and affect the yield of cotton, so it is very important to control the aphid in advance.In this paper, a random forest model based on meteorological factor data and natural enemy data of cotton aphid was constructed after the data imbalance processing and the screening of influence factors were carried out on the collected data.The class of cotton aphid pests was predicted by using the established model.The results showed that the generalization error of stochastic forest model was small, and the accuracy of prediction of cotton aphid pest grade was higher than that of random forest model.Secondly, data visualization technology is used for data analysis.As an important means of data analysis, data visualization technology is used in the data of cotton aphids. The analysis of meteorological data provides a reference for the control of cotton aphids.As one of the key points of data visualization, multidimensional data visualization can discover the relationship between attributes by displaying multidimensional data.At present, the data we collect are multidimensional data. The meteorological data and the data of cotton aphid are displayed visually, and the regular information of data hiding is found, which is helpful for better data analysis and decision making.The display and analysis of the data in this paper make us understand the occurrence time of cotton aphid, and provide a reference for us to control the aphid at the right time.Visualization of experimental data plays an important role in modeling and demonstration and analysis of experimental results.


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