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發(fā)布時間:2018-03-31 18:46

  本文選題:大規(guī)模MIMO系統(tǒng) 切入點:能效優(yōu)化 出處:《鄭州大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:Large scale MIMO system deploys large scale antenna array elements at the base station end, mining spatial gain by using spatial multiplexing, transmission diversity and beamforming, which can effectively improve spectral efficiency and energy efficiency. It is one of the key technologies of 5G, but because the number of base station antennas can reach hundreds, dense antenna deployment will lead to the coexistence of high correlation antenna subset and low correlation antenna subset. The correlation between antennas will affect the system capacity. If the efficiency of antenna utilization is not fully exploited according to the characteristics of RF link, it will be difficult for the system to obtain the expected gain. Antenna grouping technology uses the correlation between antennas to divide the base station antenna into several groups. The antenna group with high correlation eliminates the interference between the end users by the design of beamforming and precoding, and the antenna group with low correlation is multiplexed in space to meet the requirements of maximizing the data rate. In the end, the system can obtain higher spectral effect and better bit error rate performance. However, the vision of green communication requires that wireless networks not only have high spectral efficiency, but also have high energy efficiency in the future, so, for wireless networks, Energy efficiency has become critical. Therefore, in view of the characteristics of large antenna arrays, this paper is based on antenna grouping technology. The main work and innovation of this paper are as follows: 1) aiming at the problem of energy efficiency optimization in large-scale MIMO systems, a single-user large-scale MIMO system model based on antenna grouping is constructed. The effects of antenna packet technology on energy efficiency are studied. Firstly, an energy efficiency based antenna packet system model in large-scale MIMO system is established, and the optimization goal is to maximize system energy efficiency, and the process of antenna grouping is analyzed. The effect of the number of antennas per group on the capacity, power consumption and energy efficiency of large-scale MIMO downlink system is discussed. An algorithm based on dichotomy is proposed to solve the optimal number of antennas in the group. The simulation results show that when the channel correlation coefficient increases, that is, the channel correlation becomes stronger. The use of antenna grouping technology can effectively improve system energy efficiency; there is a unique solution for each group of antennas that make the system energy efficient. The proposed optimal antenna number solution based on dichotomy can quickly converge to this unique solution. When the transmission power is 10dBm, compared with all antennas, Using the antenna packet and antenna number optimization strategy proposed in this paper can improve the system energy efficiency about 28.2) to further improve the energy efficiency of large-scale MIMO multiuser system based on antenna packet. In this paper, a joint optimization scheme of antenna grouping and power allocation is proposed, which aims at maximizing energy efficiency, and optimizes the power allocation among groups and the optimal number of antennas within the group. Based on the proposed scheme, a mathematical model of the energy efficiency optimization problem is constructed. The existence of optimal power allocation solution between groups is proved. The standard iterative optimization algorithm is used to solve the optimization problem. Combined with the classical water injection power allocation algorithm, the number of antennas in the iterative group and the inter-group power allocation value are combined until the system energy efficiency is maximized. The corresponding solution is the optimal solution of the power allocation between groups and the number of antennas within the group. The numerical simulation results show that the antenna grouping technique can improve the energy efficiency of large-scale MIMO systems in the correlated channels. The combination of antenna grouping and power allocation technology can further improve system energy efficiency.


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