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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-03-30 03:05

  本文選題:直線伺服系統(tǒng) 切入點(diǎn):前饋控制 出處:《浙江理工大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:Linear servo system is a kind of servo system with direct drive and feed, there is no transmission link in the middle, and the direct output linear motion has the characteristics of simple structure, suitable for high speed and high acceleration motion, easy to adjust and control, etc. Therefore, it has been widely used in the fields of high speed and high precision numerical control system, semiconductor manufacturing and precision instrument, etc. In order to give play to its characteristics of high speed and high precision, It is necessary to study the control algorithm and design the motion controller. Firstly, this paper introduces the two-degree-of-freedom control strategy of the linear servo system, aiming at the feedback control can only maintain the robustness of the system. This paper presents a linear feedforward controller, which can not improve the track tracking performance of servo system. The feedforward controller can adjust its order according to the modeling accuracy of servo system and the order of input trajectory planning. In order to solve the influence of inherent delay characteristics of linear servo on trajectory tracking performance, the feedforward and feedback composite controller is used to solve the problem. The effect of linear servo delay on trajectory tracking performance is analyzed. Based on this, a delay controller based on feedforward link is designed. The delay controller is redesigned to solve the problem that the delay controller can not be realized as a leading link when the delay controller is located in the feed-forward channel. The delay parameters are divided into two parts. The ideal trajectory instruction is adjusted according to integer multiple servo period delay and feedforward control signal filtering delay to compensate the delay. Secondly, with the increasing bandwidth of linear servo system, The influence of the flexibility of linear servo system becomes more and more obvious, which leads to mechanical resonance. In this paper, the "spring-damping" dual inertia model is introduced to analyze the resonance characteristics of linear servo system. The notch filter is added to the controller, and the effect of notch filter on mechanical resonance suppression is verified by matlab simulation. The notch filter adopts iterative learning control method, which can automatically optimize the controller parameters and improve the performance of servo system. The gradient descent method, Newton method and Secant method are introduced, and the theoretical derivation of these iterative methods is given. Finally, the hardware and software platform of the linear servo system in the laboratory is introduced, and the suitable iterative method is selected on the basis of introducing the parameters of the controller, and deducing the iterative formula that can be used in simulation and experiment. The parameters of the three kinds of controllers are simulated and experimented to verify the function of the controller and the effectiveness of the iterative optimization method.


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