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發(fā)布時間:2018-05-14 03:29

  本文選題:金代 + 武將群體; 參考:《吉林大學(xué)》2012年博士論文

【摘要】:金代以武立國,武將作為金王朝政治的重要支柱和立國安邦的重要力量,承擔(dān)著統(tǒng)管軍隊、維護(hù)國家秩序和國防安全等重要職責(zé),在金朝的建立、發(fā)展及對外交往過程中,發(fā)揮著不可替代的作用。金代武將群體形成、發(fā)展與演變的過程,在不同時期體現(xiàn)出不同的特點。恰當(dāng)?shù)卦u價武將群體在金代政治、經(jīng)濟(jì)、軍事中的作用;制定選拔、約束武將的政策措施;探討武將整體實力的盛衰與金代國運的關(guān)系等,不僅有利于加深對歷史上武將群體的了解,有利于全面地認(rèn)識金代社會,而且有助于從全新的視角看待金朝的興亡,梳理出金朝政治史的一條新線索。本論文除緒論和結(jié)語外共分六章予以闡述: 緒論:介紹本論文選題意義及武將概念的界定,梳理學(xué)術(shù)界的研究現(xiàn)狀,總結(jié)目前已研究成果存在的不足,并闡述本論文的研究思路與方法以及創(chuàng)新點和難點。 第一章:金代武將群體的形成、發(fā)展與演變的歷程。本章論述了金代武將群體由單一的女真族,逐漸演化為契丹、渤海、漢族等多民族的集合體。并通過史料的搜集和考證,整理出叛遼降金、叛宋降金武將近150名。在這個集合體中,女真武將一直是金代武將群體的主體,金代中期以后,武將群體在構(gòu)成上出現(xiàn)了顯著的變化,在重要的軍事機(jī)構(gòu)中,雖仍以女真武將為主,但已經(jīng)出現(xiàn)契丹族、漢族、渤海族武將擔(dān)任元帥左、右監(jiān)軍以及元帥左、右都監(jiān)及樞密副使之職的現(xiàn)象,甚至到金后期都元帥及左、右副元帥等軍事機(jī)構(gòu)中較高級別的軍事長官,也出現(xiàn)了由非女真族將領(lǐng)擔(dān)任的現(xiàn)象。本文認(rèn)為這種現(xiàn)象的出現(xiàn),與金代武將群體金初的能征善戰(zhàn)、勇立軍功、以軍功選拔為主到中期武舉選拔、女真武將漸趨漢化及金代后期的武將群體漸趨弱化的特點是相輔相成的。 第二章:金代軍事建制與武將的官階和職能。本文對金代的軍事建制進(jìn)行了探討,,認(rèn)為在金代的軍事建制中,無論是中央直屬軍還是地方治安軍,金代對其統(tǒng)領(lǐng)的武將,主要通過官階確定其主要的職責(zé)。金代在不同時期,武將的官階都有變化。同時,在金朝軍事管理機(jī)構(gòu)逐步完善的基礎(chǔ)上,形成了武將官階和爵位制度。而其官階與爵位又與其軍功密不可分,不同官階和爵位享受不同的俸祿和待遇,從而極大地調(diào)動了武將的積極性,使其在建立和捍衛(wèi)金政權(quán)方面發(fā)揮了重要作用。通過分析武將的官階和職能,得出武將對外統(tǒng)兵作戰(zhàn),有利于維護(hù)國家的穩(wěn)定;對內(nèi)鎮(zhèn)壓征討各種反叛勢力,維護(hù)了金朝的統(tǒng)治秩序;宿衛(wèi)京師穩(wěn)定了金朝的統(tǒng)治中心,保障了皇權(quán)的安全與穩(wěn)定;戍邊防守既鞏固了金的邊防又有效地防止外敵入侵;而外交職能,特別是武將作為使節(jié)出使,在軍事外交中,也顯示了金朝的震懾力。 第三章:金代武將的選任與管理。本章對金代武將的選任途徑及管理措施進(jìn)行了分析和探討。認(rèn)為金代武將把軍功作為入仕主要途徑的原因有以下幾點:其一,由于女真習(xí)俗是“貴壯賤老”,“壯者皆兵”,勇立軍功已成為常態(tài)。其二,頻繁的戰(zhàn)爭,客觀上給武將憑借軍功入仕提供了條件和機(jī)會。其三,軍功入仕的武將不需寒窗苦讀,較容易升遷,是金代武將比較容易選擇的途徑。其四,統(tǒng)治階級尚武,使武將因軍功入仕成為最佳首選。同時對金代武將的武舉入仕、蔭補入仕及換授入仕進(jìn)行了分析,認(rèn)為多數(shù)蔭補的武官與軍功入仕的武官相比,缺少必要的實戰(zhàn)經(jīng)驗,通過貴族官僚的身份坐享這種蔭補特權(quán),其實質(zhì)是為了保證和維系上層官僚集團(tuán)在國家政治生活中的世襲特權(quán)。本章還探討了金代對武將的管理,認(rèn)為無論是機(jī)構(gòu)的設(shè)立還是具體的考核、獎懲、致仕等方面的制度,都體現(xiàn)了金朝行政管理的系統(tǒng)性和有序性。金代對武將在制度上考核、懲黜等方面的管理,對武將過渡囂張的行為,起到了一定約束和規(guī)范的作用,從而使金朝武將的管理走向制度化和規(guī)范化,為后世的官吏管理提供一定的借鑒。 第四章:金代武將的軍事戰(zhàn)略戰(zhàn)術(shù)。本章主要探討了金代女真武將在對遼、宋作戰(zhàn)的過程中所采取的以遼、宋將帥為主要目標(biāo),引導(dǎo)和控制其心理活動,使其判斷失誤,決策失措的軍事謀略心理戰(zhàn);以及通過示形造勢,使遼、宋將帥產(chǎn)生恐懼、疑慮和動搖而放棄與金作戰(zhàn)的軍事威懾心理戰(zhàn)的運用,使金多次出奇制勝,打敗強大的對手,出色完成了軍事戰(zhàn)略任務(wù)的軍事心理戰(zhàn)術(shù),而金朝南下攻宋獲勝,也得益于武將精湛的騎兵戰(zhàn)術(shù)。同時,金代武將吸收了中原先進(jìn)的戰(zhàn)略戰(zhàn)術(shù),并加以創(chuàng)造,形成了獨具女真特色的攻城戰(zhàn)略戰(zhàn)術(shù),并多次打敗了擅長防御戰(zhàn)術(shù)的宋王朝,成為中國軍事戰(zhàn)略戰(zhàn)術(shù)史上的奇觀。 第五章:金代女真武將的經(jīng)濟(jì)來源與社會生活。本章論述了武將作為一個比較特殊的群體,在金代社會經(jīng)濟(jì)文化生活中的地位,并分析了武將的經(jīng)濟(jì)來源,除了正常的俸祿、賞賜、及土地經(jīng)營外,還包括對外征伐中的掠奪。尤其是非正規(guī)經(jīng)濟(jì)的來源,刺激了武將對外征伐的欲望,使其在較短的時間內(nèi)亡遼滅宋。武將除征伐、鎮(zhèn)戍等軍事活動外,也有豐富的社會文化生活,他們作為金代社會重要的組成部分,無論是飲食、服飾、住居還是文化娛樂等活動,在具備女真族特征外,又有自己的武將特色,并得出武將受中原文化的影響和熏陶,使其在豪放中亦不失細(xì)膩,細(xì)膩中又獨具豪放的特色。金代武將對中原文化的仰慕,特別是追求奢侈腐化的生活,使女真族的尚武精神逐漸喪失,世宗雖為此進(jìn)行過“女真化”運動,但卻沒有喚回漸趨淡化的民族意識,勇武強悍的武將精神,逐漸被文弱儒雅的氣質(zhì)所代替,金代武將群體逐漸走向衰弱,金朝的昔日雄風(fēng)已不復(fù)存在。 第六章:金代武將與金朝國運的興衰。本章論述了在冷兵器時代,武將的整體實力與政權(quán)強大的關(guān)系。認(rèn)為金初,在大批有謀略、有膽識、能征善戰(zhàn)武將的輔佐下,政權(quán)得以建立并迅速發(fā)展,其國運也隨之興盛。金朝中期,較為和諧的內(nèi)外政策及對中原文化的吸收,使武將漸趨漢化。同時貪圖安逸享受的奢靡之風(fēng)的盛行,使金代武將尚武精神趨于衰退。金朝末年,由于武將整體實力的下降,以武立國的金王朝,最終“亦以兵終”,其國運也走向了衰亡。從而得出,金代國運的興盛取決于軍事實力是否強大,而軍事實力的強大又與武將的強弱密切相關(guān)。因此,金代武將從逐漸強大到漸趨衰亡,恰恰是金代國運由盛轉(zhuǎn)衰的過程。從某種程度上說,金代武將的頹變,亦是金代國運衰亡的動因之一。 結(jié)語:在前面幾章對武將群體具體考察研究的基礎(chǔ)上,闡述金代武將群體的基本面貌,金代武將群體的演進(jìn)態(tài)勢,金朝武將群體與國運興衰關(guān)系等三個方面加以歸納,并闡述金代武將不同時期在構(gòu)成、特點、選任及管理制度等方面的不同特色以及金代武將的興衰與金朝國運興亡密切相關(guān)。
[Abstract]:The Jin Dynasty, with Wu Liguo, as an important pillar of the political politics of the Jin Dynasty and an important force for the nation's state, took on the important responsibilities of managing the army, maintaining national order and national defense security, and played an irreplaceable role in the process of the establishment, development and foreign communication of the Jin Dynasty. There are different characteristics in different periods. It is good to evaluate the role of the martial arts groups in the political, economic and military affairs of the Jin Dynasty, to formulate the policy measures for selecting and constrain the martial arts, and to discuss the relationship between the prosperity and decline of the overall strength of the martial arts and the national transportation of the Jin Dynasty, which is not only conducive to deepening the understanding of the history of the martial arts group, but also conducive to a comprehensive understanding of the Jin Dynasty. Society, and helps to look at the rise and fall of the Jin Dynasty from a new perspective, to comb out a new clue to the political history of the Jin Dynasty. This paper, in addition to the introduction and conclusion, is divided into six chapters.
Introduction: introduces the significance of this paper and the definition of the concept of martial arts, combs the research status of the academic circle, summarizes the shortcomings of the present research results, and expounds the research ideas and methods of this paper, and the innovation and difficulties.
Chapter 1: the formation, development and evolution of the martial arts group in the Jin Dynasty. This chapter expounds that the military general group of the Jin Dynasty evolved from a single woman Zhen nationality to Khitan, Bohai, Han and other ethnic groups. Through the collection of historical materials and textual research, it collects the rebel Liaojin and the rebel song of nearly 150. It has always been the main body of the military general in the Jin Dynasty. After the middle of the Jin Dynasty, there have been significant changes in the composition of the martial arts group. In the important military institutions, although it is still dominated by the martial arts, the Khitan, Han, and Bohai martial arts will be the marshal left, the right supervisor and the marshal left, the right, and the Privy deputy. In the Late Jin Dynasty, the senior military officers of the military institutions, such as the marshal and the left and the right Vice Marshal, also appeared to be held by the generals of the non women's ethnic groups. In the later period, the characteristics of the martial arts groups weakened gradually were complementary to each other.
The second chapter is the official rank and function of military construction and martial arts in the Jin Dynasty. This article discusses the military establishment of the Jin Dynasty, and thinks that, in the military system of the Jin Dynasty, whether it is the central army or the local public security army, the military commanders of the Jin Dynasty, mainly through the official rank, determine their main duties. At the same time, on the basis of the gradual improvement of the military administrative organs of the Jin Dynasty, the martial arts official rank and the title system were formed, and their rank and title were inseparable from their military merit, and the different official orders and titles enjoyed different salaries and benefits, which greatly mobilized the enthusiasm of the martial arts and made it play a heavy role in the establishment and defense of the gold regime. Through the analysis of the ranks and functions of the martial arts, it was concluded that the military will be able to combat the army and maintain the stability of the state; the internal repression of various rebel forces and the maintenance of the ruling order of the Jin Dynasty; the Jingwei master stabilized the ruling center of the Jin Dynasty and ensured the security and stability of the imperial power; the defence of the garrison strengthened the border defense of gold. Effectively preventing foreign invasion, and diplomatic functions, especially the generals as ambassadors, also show the deterrence of the Jin Dynasty in military diplomacy.
The third chapter is the selection and management of the martial arts in the Jin Dynasty. This chapter analyses and discusses the ways and management measures of the military general in the Jin Dynasty. The frequent wars provide the conditions and opportunities for the martial arts to enter the official position by virtue of military merit. Thirdly, the military generals of the army do not need the bitter reading of the cold windows, and they are easier to be promoted. In comparison with the military officials who have entered the official Army, the majority of the shady mending military officers lack the necessary practical experience and enjoy the privileges of the aristocratic bureaucracy. The essence is to guarantee and maintain the hereditary privileges of the upper bureaucratic groups in the political life of the state. The system of management, whether it is the establishment of the institution or the concrete examination, the system of rewards and punishments, and the government, all embodies the systematicness and orderliness of the administration of the Jin Dynasty. The management will be institutionalized and standardized so as to provide some references for the management of future officials.
The fourth chapter is the military strategy and tactics of the martial arts in the Jin Dynasty. This chapter mainly discusses the military strategy of the Liao and song generals in the process of Liao and song's fighting in the process of Liao and song. Fear, doubt and wavering, give up the use of military deterrent psychological warfare with gold, make gold many times to win, defeat powerful opponents, finish the military strategy of military strategic task, and win the song victory in the South and south of the Jin Dynasty, and also benefit from the superb cavalry tactics of the martial arts. At the same time, Jin Dynasty absorbs the advanced strategy and tactics of the Central Plains. In addition, it was created and formed a strategy and tactics of attacking the city with unique female characteristics and defeated the Song Dynasty, which was good at defending the tactics, and became a spectacle in the history of Chinese military strategy and tactics.
The fifth chapter: the economic source and social life of the martial arts in the Jin Dynasty. This chapter expounds the position of the martial arts in the social, economic and cultural life of the Jin Dynasty as a relatively special group, and analyses the economic source of the martial arts. Besides the normal salary, reward and land management, it also includes the plunder of foreign expeditions, especially the informal classics. The source of the economy has stimulated the desire of the martial arts to exclaim and extinguishes the song in a relatively short time. It also has rich social and cultural life in addition to military activities such as expeditions, garrison and other military activities. They are an important part of the society of the Jin Dynasty, whether they are food, clothing, residence or culture and entertainment, and have the characteristics of the women's family. It has its own martial arts characteristics, and concludes that the martial arts will be influenced and nurtured by the Central Plains culture, so that it does not lose its delicate, delicate and unconstrained features. The admiration for the culture of the Central Plains, especially the pursuit of extravagant and corrupted life in the Jin Dynasty, has gradually lost the martial spirit of the Zhen Zhen nationality. But it did not arouse the gradually desalination of the national consciousness, the brave and strong martial spirit, gradually replaced by the literary and weak and elegant temperament, the golden Dynasty warrior group gradually weakened, the former ambition of the Jin Dynasty has ceased to exist.
The sixth chapter: the prosperity and decline of the military general of the Jin Dynasty and the national transportation of the Jin Dynasty. This chapter expounds the relationship between the overall strength and the power of the regime in the age of cold weapons. It is believed that in the early Jin Dynasty, the political power was established and developed rapidly, with the help of a large number of strategies, courage, and good war warriors. The policy and the absorption of the culture of the Central Plains made the martial arts gradually Sinicization. At the same time, the popularity of the luxurious style of comfort and enjoyment made the martial spirit of the emperor in the Jin Dynasty decline. In the last year of the Jin Dynasty, because of the decline in the overall strength of the martial arts, the gold Dynasty in the state of Wu was finally "the end of the army", and its national transport was also declining. Thus, the prosperity of the national transportation of the Jin Dynasty was concluded. It depends on whether the military strength is strong, and the strength of the military strength is closely related to the strength and weakness of the martial arts. Therefore, the military generals of the Jin Dynasty are from strong to gradual decline, precisely the process of the decline and decline of the national transport of the Jin Dynasty. To a certain extent, the decline of the military general in Jin Dynasty is also one of the reasons for the decline and fall of the national transportation of the Jin Dynasty.
In the last few chapters, on the basis of the specific investigation of the military general group in the first few chapters, it expounds the basic features of the military general group in the Jin Dynasty, the evolution trend of the military general group in the Jin Dynasty, the three aspects of the relationship between the military general group and the prosperity and decline of the national transportation, and expounds the composition, characteristics, selection and management system of the different periods of the Jin Dynasty. The same characteristics and the rise and fall of the generals of the Jin Dynasty are closely related to the rise and fall of the Golden State of the Jin Dynasty.



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相關(guān)博士學(xué)位論文 前4條

1 楊清華;金朝行省制度研究[D];吉林大學(xué);2009年

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1 孫孝偉;金朝選官制度研究[D];吉林大學(xué);2005年

2 施云;金代忠孝軍研究[D];吉林大學(xué);2007年

3 鐘錚錚;金代文職朝官的俸祿制度研究[D];吉林大學(xué);2008年




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