本文選題:唐代 + 教育; 參考:《南開大學(xué)》2012年博士論文
【摘要】:本文的研究對象為唐代教育與文學(xué)的關(guān)系。在唐代,教育和文學(xué)均處于昌盛發(fā)達時期,教育以或隱或顯的方式作用于文人知識結(jié)構(gòu)的形成和文學(xué)素養(yǎng)的提高,是他們具備文學(xué)創(chuàng)作能力的必要前提,,因而也是影響唐代文學(xué)繁榮發(fā)展的重要一極。 第一章,唐代教育資源社會化與文人群體的擴大。在教育制度方面,唐代有中央和地方的兩級官學(xué)制以及合法化和多樣化的私學(xué)。與此同時,唐代具備有利的政治、經(jīng)濟和文化條件。教育制度與這些因素共同作用,促成了唐代教育資源的社會化,其顯著表現(xiàn)是教育受眾的增加和教育普及面的擴大,這是導(dǎo)致唐代文人群體擴大的重要成因。 第二章,唐代教育思想與文人及文學(xué)。尊圣崇儒是唐代的基本教育思想,唐初這一思想的提出強化了部分士人的社會責(zé)任感和儒道自任意識,加劇了其人生矛盾,使他們的作品充滿張力。高宗后期和武后時期,由于政治統(tǒng)治的需要,尊圣崇儒教育思想被有意淡化,官僚系統(tǒng)對人才的需求使教育與仕進緊密結(jié)合,教育思想中功利的一面尤為凸顯,這對文人進取意識的強化產(chǎn)生了一定影響。盛唐社會環(huán)境的改善促進了教育的進一步發(fā)展,但教育培養(yǎng)的人才數(shù)量較多,社會能吸納的人才相對較少,教育培養(yǎng)的人才多為禮樂之士,官僚系統(tǒng)更需要吏能之士,教育思想和教育結(jié)果與社會實際需要之間產(chǎn)生了矛盾。士人的人生理想和實際遭遇因為這些矛盾出現(xiàn)錯位,在文學(xué)創(chuàng)作中表現(xiàn)出復(fù)雜的心態(tài)。中晚唐士人從科舉與教育關(guān)系的角度對教育進行了反思,這些反思在一定程度上豐富了唐代教育思想,但所提出的改革策略很難實施,只是更進一步明確了中晚唐教育的困境。復(fù)古思潮中復(fù)興“師道”的思想,是這種反思的延續(xù),它力圖發(fā)掘教育傳承儒家道統(tǒng)的獨立價值,這在一定程度上淡化了知識階層對唐王朝的心理認同。儒道傳承的落空以及對政權(quán)認同的淡化使知識分子進退失據(jù),在文學(xué)作品中表現(xiàn)出無所依憑的游移心態(tài)。 第三章,唐代經(jīng)學(xué)教育對文學(xué)的影響。唐代經(jīng)學(xué)教育有完整的體系。太宗時期和高宗前期,官方經(jīng)學(xué)教材《五經(jīng)正義》的編纂使經(jīng)學(xué)簡化,教材統(tǒng)一,加以科舉試帖經(jīng)的要求,使得章句成為記誦對象,儒家經(jīng)典作為語言和典故材料融入文人的知識儲備庫從而進入了他們的文學(xué)創(chuàng)作。盛唐時期經(jīng)學(xué)教育偏重于《孝經(jīng)》,強調(diào)倫理,這與此一時期雅正雄渾的文學(xué)風(fēng)格的形成有一定關(guān)聯(lián)。安史亂后經(jīng)學(xué)教育重心下移,由中央官學(xué)主導(dǎo)轉(zhuǎn)而為私學(xué)中士人主導(dǎo),這帶動了士人在社會思想和文化領(lǐng)域中主體意識的增強,從而使用以表達士人在社會思想領(lǐng)域探索的詩文中文與道的關(guān)系進一步密切,同時為詩為文努力創(chuàng)新,很少蹈襲前人。 第四章,唐代文學(xué)教育與文學(xué)的發(fā)展。唐代文學(xué)教育的興起有這一時期獨有的成因,唐前文學(xué)在形式和技巧上的發(fā)展、唐代好文風(fēng)尚的浸染以及科舉取士重文學(xué)的刺激都是重要因素。唐代文學(xué)教育的主要內(nèi)容是類書、《文選》和詩格等,文學(xué)教育的具體活動就是依托于這些文學(xué)教育內(nèi)容傳承文學(xué)知識和創(chuàng)作經(jīng)驗,它具有從語言材料到聲律規(guī)則再到技巧門徑的明顯上升的層次性,這導(dǎo)致在文學(xué)教育和學(xué)習(xí)方式上也體現(xiàn)出從閱讀積累到模仿熟練再到體會感悟的逐級提高的過程。唐代文學(xué)教育的內(nèi)容在唐人的創(chuàng)作中留下了較為鮮明的印跡,在內(nèi)容的借鑒、題材的取資、典故的吸納、對偶的采用方面最為明顯。 第五章,唐代童蒙教育與兒童詩。唐代之所以出現(xiàn)眾多杰出的文學(xué)家,與他們自幼接受過良好教育密不可分。本章從考察唐代有代表性的三部蒙書——《蒙求》、《太公家教》和《兔園策府》入手探討唐代蒙書與童蒙教育的關(guān)系,并進而對中原內(nèi)地和敦煌地區(qū)這兩大童蒙教育版塊從教育內(nèi)容、教育途徑和教育者三方面進行比較,在此基礎(chǔ)上分析兩地迥然有別的童蒙教育使他們各自的詩歌創(chuàng)作所發(fā)生的構(gòu)思上的精巧與隨意,題材上的狹窄與豐富,語言上的文雅與通俗,表現(xiàn)手法上的多樣與單一的變化。 第六章,唐代女性教育與女性的文學(xué)活動。唐代教育的普及使女性成為受教育群體的一部分。本章從唐代現(xiàn)存兩部女教書——《女孝經(jīng)》和《女論語》切入,藉以考察唐代女性教育的內(nèi)容以及不同的教育內(nèi)容對女性詩歌創(chuàng)作的影響。詩歌教育的特有方式和女紅教育的共同作用,使女性詩歌中出現(xiàn)了與之相應(yīng)的仿作和女性書寫特質(zhì);經(jīng)史教育之于女性創(chuàng)作最顯著的影響是女性詩歌中經(jīng)史語典的大量化用;道德禮法是唐代女性最重要的教育內(nèi)容,這表現(xiàn)在道德禮法內(nèi)容在她們的詩歌中頻繁出現(xiàn)。唐代女性受教育的成效,除表現(xiàn)在詩歌創(chuàng)作上之外,妓女傳唱和寡母教孤也是兩種與唐代文學(xué)密切相關(guān)的展示方式。 第七章,唐代留學(xué)生教育與留學(xué)生群體的文化作用。唐代教育具有鮮明的開放性特征,接收留學(xué)生是其最顯著的表現(xiàn)。與此相適應(yīng),唐代也形成了成熟完備的留學(xué)生管理制度。唐代特設(shè)賓貢科以滿足留學(xué)生在唐及第的愿望,對于賓貢及第的留學(xué)生,在管理上也給予了很大的寬松度。留學(xué)生在唐期間與唐代文人多有詩歌交往,這不僅密切了唐王朝與周邊國家的友好關(guān)系,而且對雙方的文學(xué)創(chuàng)作也產(chǎn)生了積極影響。留學(xué)生群體的文化作用主要表現(xiàn)在本國教育體制構(gòu)建和漢文學(xué)發(fā)展兩個領(lǐng)域。 第八章,書院初興與中晚唐士人轉(zhuǎn)型及儒學(xué)復(fù)興。“書院”之名最早出現(xiàn)于唐高祖武德年間。從藏書、授徒和地點三個方面考察,真正具有教育性質(zhì)的書院實源于山林寺院。唐五代書院主要由地方士人和地方家族創(chuàng)辦,這折射出唐五代時期士從世家大族向地方士人轉(zhuǎn)型的特征。此外,唐五代書院還初步表現(xiàn)出與當(dāng)時學(xué)術(shù)思想潮流的密切關(guān)聯(lián)。習(xí)業(yè)書院的士人習(xí)古文,讀經(jīng)典,又不限于章句,自覺闡發(fā)儒經(jīng)精義以求救世治亂,這既凸顯了儒家士人主體意識的增強和強烈的拯時淑世精神,也反映出崛起于書院的地方士人受到了當(dāng)時儒學(xué)復(fù)興這一時代新風(fēng)氣的影響。
[Abstract]:The object of this study is the relationship between education and literature in the Tang Dynasty. In the Tang Dynasty, both education and literature were in a flourishing period. The formation of the knowledge structure of the literati and the improvement of literary attainment were the necessary precondition for their literary creative ability, and the importance of which was also an important influence on the prosperity and development of the Tang Dynasty. One pole.
In the first chapter, the socialization of educational resources and the expansion of the literati group in the Tang Dynasty. In the educational system, the Tang Dynasty had the two level official system of the central and local officials, as well as the legitimate and diversified private schools. At the same time, the Tang Dynasty had favorable political, economic and cultural conditions. The educational system and these factors contributed to the society of educational resources in the Tang Dynasty. The obvious manifestation is the increase of educational audience and the expansion of educational popularization, which is an important factor contributing to the expansion of literati groups in the Tang Dynasty.
The second chapter, the education thought and literati and literature of the Tang Dynasty. Zun sage and Confucianism is the basic educational thought of the Tang Dynasty. The idea was put forward in the early Tang Dynasty to strengthen the social responsibility of the scholars and the self - consciousness of Confucianism and Taoism, which aggravated their life contradictions and made their works full of tension. The educational thought of Confucianism has been desalinated intentionally, the demand of the bureaucratic system on talent makes the education and official career closely combined, the utility side of the educational thought is particularly prominent, which has a certain influence on the strengthening of the enterprising consciousness of the literati. The improvement of the social environment in the Tang Dynasty promoted the further development of education, but the number of talents trained in the education was more, the society could be more effective. There are relatively few talents to absorb, and most of the talents in education are the people of rites and music. The bureaucratic system needs more clerks and officials, and there is a contradiction between the educational thought and the educational results and the actual needs of the society. The ideal of life and the actual encounter of the scholars, because of these contradictions, show a complex state of mind in the literary creation. Tang Shiren in the middle and the evening. From the angle of the relation between the imperial examination and education, the education was rethought to some extent, which had enriched the educational thought of the Tang Dynasty to some extent, but the reform strategy proposed was difficult to be implemented, but the predicament of education in the middle and late Tang Dynasty was further clarified. The reflection of the revival of "teacher Dao" in the revival of the ancient trend of thought was the continuation of this reflection, and it tried to excavate education. Inheriting the independent value of Confucian orthodoxy, it desalinating the psychological identity of the Tang Dynasty to a certain extent. The fall of the inheritance of Confucianism and Taoism, as well as the desalination of the identity of the political power, made the intellectuals inactive and showed a wandering mentality in the literary works.
The third chapter, the influence of Confucian classics on literature in the Tang Dynasty. The Tang Dynasty has a complete system of Confucian classics education. In the period of the emperor of the Tang Dynasty and in the early period of Gao Zong, the compilation of the official classics of Confucian classics, the compilation of the five classics justice, made the classics simplified, the teaching material unify, and the request of the examination post of the imperial examination, making the sentence a memorizing object, and the Confucian classics incorporated into the literati as language and allusions materials. The knowledge reserve bank has entered their literary creation. In the period of the Tang Dynasty, the Confucian School of Confucian education emphasized "filial piety" and emphasized ethics, which was related to the formation of the literary style of this period. As well as the enhancement of the consciousness of the subject in the field of culture, the relationship between Chinese and Taoist poetry, which expresses the scholars' exploration in the field of social thought, is further closely related, and the poetry is made hard to innovate, and seldom has been attacked by the predecessors.
The fourth chapter, the development of literary education and literature in the Tang Dynasty. The rise of literary education in the Tang Dynasty has a unique cause of this period. The development of the form and skill of the literature of the Tang Dynasty, the impregnation of the style of the Tang Dynasty and the stimulation of the imperial examination as a scholar are important factors. The main contents of the literature education in the Tang Dynasty are the analogy books, the literary selections and the poems, etc. The specific activity of learning education is to inherit literature knowledge and creative experience from the contents of these literary education. It has a distinct rise from the language materials to the rules of sound and the path of the skill, which leads to a gradual improvement in the way of literature education and learning, from the accumulation of reading to the imitation of imitation to the understanding of experience. The course of the literature education in the Tang Dynasty has left a clearer impression on the creation of the Tang Dynasty, which is most obvious in the reference of the content, the acquisition of the subject matter, the absorption of the allusions and the use of the duality.
The fifth chapter, the children's education and children's poetry in the Tang Dynasty. There are many outstanding writers in the Tang Dynasty, which are closely related to the good education they have received from their childhood. This chapter explores the relationship between the Mongolian Books and the education of children and Mongolia in the Tang Dynasty from the investigation of the three Mongol books in the Tang Dynasty, the Mongolian book, the Tai Gong tutor and the rabbit garden. On the basis of the comparison between the two major areas in the mainland and Dunhuang, the educational content, the way of education and the three aspects of the educator are compared. On this basis, the author analyzes the exquisite and arbitrary conception of their respective poetry creation, the narrow and rich of the subject matter, the elegance and popularity of the language, and the expression of the hand. A variety of law and a single change.
The sixth chapter, female education and women's literary activities in the Tang Dynasty. The popularization of education in the Tang Dynasty made women a part of the educated group. This chapter explores the contents of the female education in the Tang Dynasty and the influence of different educational contents on the creation of women's poetry from the two existing female teaching in the Tang Dynasty. The unique way of breeding and the common effect of female red education make the female poetry appear the corresponding imitation and the feminine writing characteristics, and the most significant influence of the history education on women's creation is the great use of the Scriptures in the women's poetry, and the moral etiquette is the most important content of the women's education in the Tang Dynasty, which is manifested in the content of the moral law. In their poetry, the achievements of the women in the Tang Dynasty, in addition to their poetic creation, were two kinds of display ways that were closely related to the literature of the Tang Dynasty, as well as the prostitutes' singing and the Widow Mother's soliton.
The seventh chapter, the cultural role of the education of foreign students and the group of foreign students in the Tang Dynasty. The education of the Tang Dynasty has a clear and open character, and the most remarkable performance of the students in the Tang Dynasty is that the Tang Dynasty also formed a mature and complete management system for foreign students in the Tang Dynasty. The foreign students have also given a great deal of looseness in management. The students in the Tang Dynasty have many poetry contacts during the Tang Dynasty, which not only closely related the friendly relations between the Tang Dynasty and the neighboring countries, but also had a positive influence on the literary creation of both sides. The cultural role of the students of the foreign students is mainly manifested in the construction of the educational system and the Han Dynasty in the country. Literature develops in two fields.
The eighth chapter, the beginning of the academy and the middle and late Tang Dynasties and the revival of Confucianism. The name of "academy" first appeared in the years of Tang Gaozu's Wu De. From the three aspects of the collection, the apprenticeship and the place, the real Educational Academy originated from the mountain forest. The Tang and five generations of academies were founded mainly by the local people and the local families, reflecting the time of the Tang and Five Dynasties. In addition, the academies of the Tang and five dynasties also showed a close relationship with the trend of academic thought at that time. The spirit of the rejuvenation of the time also reflected the rise of the local scholars in the Academy, which was influenced by the new atmosphere of the revival of Confucianism at that time.
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