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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-06-15 09:18

  本文選題:集中供熱 + 換熱機(jī)組。 參考:《山東大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文

【摘要】:我國(guó)城市供熱伴隨國(guó)家建設(shè)一起發(fā)展,從第一個(gè)五年計(jì)劃即開(kāi)始部署集中供熱事業(yè),1980年正式貫徹發(fā)展集中供熱的方針,到目前為止集中供熱已是城市供熱的主要方式。集中供熱系統(tǒng)按照熱傳遞的不同方式可分為兩種模式:第一種是熱媒從熱源直接進(jìn)入熱用戶;第二種為一次網(wǎng)的熱媒從熱源出發(fā)進(jìn)入換熱站,與二次網(wǎng)的熱媒進(jìn)行熱交換,最終由二次網(wǎng)的熱媒將熱能傳遞給熱用戶。本課題在第二種模式的應(yīng)用背景下,設(shè)計(jì)了一款基于ARM內(nèi)核的智能換熱機(jī)組控制器,該控制器使用雙MCU結(jié)構(gòu),其內(nèi)置的智能算法使得換熱機(jī)組能夠根據(jù)氣候狀況及熱用戶需求自動(dòng)調(diào)節(jié)換熱過(guò)程;此外該控制器具有人機(jī)交互、越限報(bào)警、故障處理、遠(yuǎn)程通信等功能,能夠滿足不同應(yīng)用場(chǎng)景的需求,實(shí)現(xiàn)換熱站無(wú)人值守的目的。隨著物聯(lián)網(wǎng)以及工業(yè)信息化的快速發(fā)展,城市集中供暖系統(tǒng)也由單獨(dú)管理逐步向集中控制變化,本課題設(shè)計(jì)的控制器使得這種變化成為可能,從而具有廣闊的發(fā)展?jié)摿褪袌?chǎng)前景。本文首先從供熱領(lǐng)域走可持續(xù)發(fā)展道路的背景出發(fā),闡述了研究一款新型智能換熱機(jī)組控制器的必要性。接著由大及小依次介紹了集中供熱系統(tǒng)、換熱站和換熱機(jī)組的組成、工作原理及系統(tǒng)特性,選擇模糊PID控制算法結(jié)合氣候補(bǔ)償原理實(shí)現(xiàn)換熱機(jī)組的控制。然后提出主控制器+通信控制器雙MCU的系統(tǒng)方案,并選用基于ARM Cortex-M3內(nèi)核的STM32F10x系列芯片作為微控制器,使得控制功能與通信功能分模塊實(shí)現(xiàn),保證系統(tǒng)的實(shí)時(shí)性和可靠性。其次,分模塊使用不同的軟件構(gòu)架,主控制器采用主循環(huán)和多個(gè)中斷的傳統(tǒng)前后臺(tái)方式,程序在主循環(huán)中一直等待人機(jī)交互操作,中斷中對(duì)數(shù)據(jù)進(jìn)行處理;通信控制器則移植μC/OS-Ⅲ嵌入式實(shí)時(shí)操作系統(tǒng),根據(jù)各任務(wù)的特點(diǎn)及相互之間的關(guān)系,為其設(shè)立優(yōu)先級(jí)、休眠條件以及任務(wù)間通信方式等,程序按照優(yōu)先級(jí)先后執(zhí)行各項(xiàng)任務(wù)。最后,將換熱機(jī)組控制器分別在模擬環(huán)境和實(shí)際換熱站中進(jìn)行測(cè)試運(yùn)行,實(shí)驗(yàn)結(jié)果證明本課題的設(shè)計(jì)滿足控制要求。
[Abstract]:With the development of national construction, central heating has been deployed since the first five-year plan in our country. In 1980, the policy of central heating was formally carried out. Up to now, central heating has been the main way of urban heating. The central heating system can be divided into two modes according to the different ways of heat transfer: the first is the heat medium coming directly from the heat source to the heat user; the second is the heat medium of the primary network starting from the heat source to enter the heat exchange station, and the heat medium of the secondary network is heat exchanged with the heat medium of the secondary network. Finally, the heat energy is transferred to the heat user by the heat medium of the secondary network. Based on the application of the second mode, an intelligent heat exchanger controller based on arm kernel is designed in this paper. The controller uses dual MCU structure. The built-in intelligent algorithm enables the heat exchanger to automatically adjust the heat transfer process according to the climate conditions and the needs of the thermal users. In addition, the controller has the functions of man-machine interaction, over-limit alarm, fault handling, remote communication, etc. It can meet the needs of different application scenarios and realize the purpose of unattended heat exchange station. With the rapid development of Internet of things and industrial informatization, urban central heating system has gradually changed from individual management to centralized control. The controller designed in this paper makes this change possible. Thus has the broad development potential and the market prospect. In this paper, the necessity of studying a new type of intelligent heat exchanger controller is expounded from the background of sustainable development in the field of heating. Then, the composition, working principle and system characteristics of central heating system, heat exchange station and heat exchanger unit are introduced in order of big and small. The fuzzy pid control algorithm combined with the principle of climate compensation is selected to realize the control of heat exchanger unit. Then the system scheme of dual MCU of main controller communication controller is put forward, and STM32F10x chip based on arm Cortex-M3 core is selected as microcontroller, which makes the control function and communication function sub-module realize, and ensures the real-time and reliability of the system. Secondly, the module uses different software architecture, the main controller adopts the traditional front and back mode of main cycle and multiple interrupts, the program always waits for man-machine interaction operation in the main cycle, and the data is processed in interrupt. The communication controller transplant 渭 C / OS- 鈪,




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