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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-05-20 20:50

  本文選題:三效蒸發(fā)器 + 一效二次蒸汽流量。 參考:《廣西師范大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:In the industrial production of food, pharmacy and chemical industry, the evaporator with steam as the heat source is widely used in the concentration process of raw liquid. The early evaporators were usually single-effect evaporators with high energy consumption and low efficiency. In recent years, the multi-effect evaporator with low energy consumption and high efficiency has gradually replaced the single-effect evaporator, the most common of which is the three-effect evaporator. In order to improve the stability of the three-effect evaporator, reduce the energy consumption and improve the efficiency, the early three-effect evaporator is mostly controlled by hand, which makes the energy consumption and efficiency of the evaporator in the production process not ideal, so as to improve the stability of the three-effect evaporator. It is of great significance to study the automatic control method of three-effect evaporator. This paper is commissioned by the Plant composition extraction Laboratory of Huanzi College, Guangxi normal University, to design a technical transformation scheme for the original equipment of the laboratory, a manual controlled three-effect evaporator. The equipment is mainly used in the concentration process of the extract of the glucoside of Siraitia grosvenori. In view of the characteristics of viscosity and poor fluidity when the concentration of the condensed object is high, it is determined that the working mode of the revamped evaporator is the reverse flow three-effect self-circulation mode, and a set of automatic control system is designed according to its technological process. In order to achieve the purpose of reducing energy consumption, improving efficiency and convenient operation after the revamping. The control system uses PLC as the control core, PC with MCGS industrial control software and touch screen as the upper mechanism for process monitoring. The touch screen is used for field control, with automatic control mode and manual control mode. The control of evaporator mainly includes the following parts: the control of steam generating pressure, the control of liquid level in each separation chamber and feedstock tank, the control of vacuum degree in evaporation chamber, the control of the concentration of finished product liquid, the control of primary and secondary steam flow rate, etc. There are many variables related to the control of primary and secondary steam flow, and the simple PID control can no longer meet the control requirements. In this paper, the feedforward fuzzy PID algorithm is used to realize the control of primary and secondary steam flow. For the control of key parameters, the Matlab simulation is carried out according to the determined control strategy before writing the control program of the related PLC, and then realized by writing the PLC application program after confirming its reasonableness. After the design of the control system was completed, the simulation debugging was carried out in the industrial control laboratory of our hospital before application, and the problems exposed in the simulation debugging were improved. The results of simulation and debugging show that the control system can collect the sensor signal normally, the control action is stable and reliable, and the monitoring interface works normally. In this paper, the retrofit scheme and the process flow of the three-effect countercurrent evaporator are introduced, and the selection of the device and the schematic diagram of the control system are given. The functions and configuration methods of the PC real-time monitoring interface and the control function of the touch screen interface are introduced. The principle and method of the control strategy of primary and secondary steam flow are emphasized. The Matlab simulation and the programming of the control program are emphasized.


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