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發(fā)布時間:2018-05-20 20:39

  本文選題:復雜適應系統(tǒng)(CAS)理論 + 雙重自適應粒子群優(yōu)化(DAPSO)算法。 參考:《計算機工程與應用》2017年05期

[Abstract]:Aiming at the problem that particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm is prone to fall into local optimum and precocity occurs, chaotic and adaptive algorithms are introduced into the basic PSO to form a double adaptive PSO algorithm based on the theory of complex adaptive system (CAS). When initializing the population, the Logisitic equation is used to generate chaotic sequences, and in the iterative process, the particle individual learning factor and the social learning factor are adjusted by nonlinear dynamic adjustment strategy. The random uniform distribution is used to update the velocity and displacement of the particle instead of the decreasing inertia weight. Finally, the algorithm is used to solve the global optimal target. Finally, six high-dimensional single-mode and multi-modal Benchmark test functions are used to simulate the algorithm, and the results are compared with the PSO2PSO-KPSO algorithm. The results show that the proposed algorithm is more effective than other particle swarm optimization algorithms in solving the global optimal solution, especially in terms of accuracy and optimization efficiency.
【作者單位】: 上海理工大學管理學院;上海理工大學超網(wǎng)絡研究中心(中國);
【基金】:國家自然科學基金(No.71171135) 上海市一流學科建設項目(No.S1201YLXK) 上海市高原學科(管理科學與工程)建設項目 上海高校青年教師培養(yǎng)資助計劃項目(No.slg14020) 上海理工大學國家級項目培育課(No.15HJPY-QN09) 上海市哲學社會科學規(guī)劃課題(No.2016EGL007)


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