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發(fā)布時間:2018-11-02 10:10
[Abstract]:Oilfield development is a work with huge investment and strong risk, and "oilfield development plan" is the comprehensive planning of the overall effect of oilfield development. Therefore, the advantages and disadvantages of oilfield development plan directly affect the benefit of oilfield development. The evaluation of oilfield development scheme is a decision problem of multiple criteria. Because of the incommensurate degree of each index of the alternative scheme and the contradiction of some indexes of the alternative scheme, it brings difficulties to the decision-making and whether the decision is correct or not. Whether it is reasonable to affect the development of oil and gas development. There has been a lot of research on the decision making of oilfield development scheme, but most of the studies are based on economic gain and loss, although it has some positive reference value for oilfield development. However, it is not enough to reflect the impact of other aspects of oilfield development projects. It is unilateral to evaluate a development plan from an economic point of view. In order to evaluate the value of oilfield development more comprehensively, this paper puts forward the decision making problem of oilfield development scheme with multi-attribute decision. The theory of multi-attribute decision making studies the sequencing problem of finite decision making schemes with multiple attributes (indicators), so that the decision makers can make decision makers according to their own resources, technology, funds, manpower and other conditions in the present internal and external environment of the oil field. To realize the global management of oilfield development and provide the basis for oilfield development manager. This paper starts with the multi-attribute evaluation of oilfield development scheme, through analyzing the multi-attribute characteristics of oilfield development, according to the actual situation and many reference materials, designs a set of covering economic, financial and ecological losses. The multi-level index system of regional social and development risk. In this paper, AHP, based on interval fuzzy number is proposed to calculate the index weight through the combination of interval number and analytic hierarchy process (AHP), and the single attribute value is extended to interval number, and GRA is used to select the optimal scheme. It can fully take into account the characteristics of fuzzy attribute index information in the actual situation. Finally, according to the specific case study, the scientific and feasibility of the method is fully affirmed.


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