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  本文選題:南二、三區(qū)西部 + 斷裂系統(tǒng); 參考:《吉林大學(xué)》2015年碩士論文

【摘要】:研究區(qū)南二、三區(qū)西部位于薩爾圖背斜構(gòu)造高點(diǎn),斷層極其發(fā)育,交切關(guān)系復(fù)雜,,盡管薩南油田實(shí)現(xiàn)了三維開發(fā)地震全覆蓋,但是僅靠地震資料也不能精細(xì)描述小斷層的發(fā)育特征,小斷層分布仍具有不確定性,影響了對(duì)本區(qū)注水開發(fā)、聚合物驅(qū)、剩余油的分布規(guī)律的研究。本文在充分利用已有的測(cè)井及地震解釋等相關(guān)地質(zhì)資料的基礎(chǔ)上,對(duì)南二、三區(qū)西部斷層的幾何學(xué)、運(yùn)動(dòng)學(xué)特征進(jìn)行研究,確定斷層組合形態(tài)及成因分析,針對(duì)井震解釋后仍然認(rèn)識(shí)不清的斷層區(qū)域,開展示蹤劑驗(yàn)證斷層存在及密閉性工作。結(jié)合斷層形成期次劃分成果和數(shù)值模擬技術(shù)進(jìn)行構(gòu)造期次劃分,開展南二、三區(qū)西部斷層成因研究,將有助于正確認(rèn)識(shí)斷裂構(gòu)造的分布特征,對(duì)于指導(dǎo)薩南油田增儲(chǔ)挖潛具有重要的實(shí)際意義。 南二、三區(qū)西部油層受斷層及構(gòu)造影響,斷塊區(qū)實(shí)際開發(fā)過程中存在注采不完善井比例高,斷塊區(qū)注入壓力升幅快,注入困難井比例高,注采能力差等問題,聚驅(qū)開發(fā)效果受到較大影響。在全面厘清研究區(qū)斷層分布及構(gòu)造成因的基礎(chǔ)上,通過綜合分析斷塊附近各套井網(wǎng)注采關(guān)系及油層發(fā)育連通狀況,對(duì)不同井網(wǎng)注入采出井設(shè)計(jì)注采調(diào)整原則,使聚驅(qū)井網(wǎng)最大程度得到完善,聚驅(qū)效果有效發(fā)揮,從而改善了聚驅(qū)開發(fā)效果。
[Abstract]:The two and three areas in the south of the study area are located in the high point of the Saertu anticline structure. The faults are extremely developed and the intersecting relations are complex. Although the SAM oilfield has realized the full coverage of three dimensional development earthquakes, the seismic data can not accurately describe the development characteristics of the small faults, and the distribution of small faults still has uncertainty, which affects the development of water injection in this area. On the basis of fully utilizing the existing logging and seismic interpretation and other related geological data, this paper studies the geometric and kinematic characteristics of the fault in the south two and three areas, and determines the formation and formation of faults. The tracing agent verifies the existence of fault and the closed work of the fault. Combining the division results of the fault formation period and the numerical simulation technology to divide the tectonic period, carrying out the study of the fault genesis in the west of the two and three regions will be helpful to correctly understand the distribution characteristics of the fault structure, and it is of great practical significance to guide the reservoir potential of the southern oil field.
The oil layer in the two South and three region of South China is affected by faults and structures. In the actual development process of the fault block, there are some problems of high injection production, high injection and production, high injection pressure, high injection rate, poor injection and production capacity and poor injection and production capacity. Through the comprehensive analysis of the injection production relations of each set of well networks near the fault block and the development and connectivity of the oil reservoirs, the principle of injection and production adjustment for the design of the wells with different well networks is designed to improve the maximum degree of the polymer flooding well and the effect of the polymer flooding effectively, thus improving the effect of the development of the polymer flooding.


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