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發(fā)布時間:2018-05-17 23:01

  本文選題:伴生氣 + 砜胺溶液; 參考:《西南石油大學》2015年碩士論文

【摘要】:天然氣作為一種清潔、高效、方便的非再生優(yōu)質能源,目前已廣泛應用于各個領域。而伴生氣作為天然氣的一種,其開發(fā)和利用也受到越來越多的重視。來自地下的伴生氣中通常含有一定量的硫化物和二氧化碳,需要經過脫硫脫碳凈化處理后才能加工利用。因此,伴生氣脫硫脫碳技術的研究對油氣生產開發(fā)、天然氣高效利用具有重要意義。 本論文針對國外某能源公司采油廠含H2S、CO2以及有機硫的伴生氣進行脫硫脫碳凈化技術研究,因凈化后的伴生氣擬用作LNG生產的原料氣,對凈化要求特別苛刻,現(xiàn)有的脫硫脫碳技術難以直接采用。論文對目前現(xiàn)有的天然氣脫硫脫碳方法及工藝進行分析對比,結合該采油廠伴生氣的氣質特點,選擇物理化學吸收法作為該伴生氣的基本脫硫脫碳工藝方案。然后對其方案中涉及的溶液配方、增壓方案、重烴溶解等工藝問題進行了分析和研究,最終設計了該伴生氣的脫硫脫碳凈化工藝流程,滿足下游LNG生產氣質的需要。 論文中對比分析了7種配方溶液的脫硫和脫碳效果,最終確定脫硫脫碳配方溶液為砜胺Ⅱ型溶液(Sulfinol-D),并確定了合適的溶液配比為環(huán)丁砜:DIPA: H2O=45%:40%:15%(質量比)。根據(jù)該溶液配方,重點分析和討論了影響脫硫脫碳過程的主要工藝參數(shù),獲得了合理的關鍵工藝參數(shù):伴生氣入塔溫度為30℃,吸收壓力為3.0MPa,氣液比300,再生溫度131℃,富液換熱后入再生塔溫度為850C,貧液入吸收塔溫度為40℃,吸收塔塔板數(shù)20塊。對于原料氣增壓方案,主要以滿足合適的吸收壓力為目的,最終確定帶中間冷卻的兩級增壓方案。因伴生氣重烴含量高,存在配方溶液中重烴溶解量大的問題,論文提出了以三相分離器代替?zhèn)鹘y(tǒng)兩相閃蒸罐的設備方案,將溶解在配方溶液中的重烴分離出來,并確定了三相分離器閃蒸壓力為600kPa。另外,論文采用液力透平技術對溶液的壓力能進行回收,回收的能量為16.52kW。最后對關鍵設備進行了初步選型。
[Abstract]:As a clean, efficient and convenient non-renewable energy source, natural gas has been widely used in various fields. As a kind of natural gas, the development and utilization of associated gas has been paid more and more attention. The associated gas from underground usually contains a certain amount of sulphide and carbon dioxide, which needs desulfurization and decarbonization treatment before it can be processed and utilized. Therefore, the research of associated gas desulfurization and decarbonization technology is of great significance to oil and gas production and gas utilization. In this paper, the desulfurization and decarbonization technology for the associated gas containing H _ 2S CO _ 2 and organic sulfur in a foreign energy company is studied. Because the purified associated gas is intended to be used as raw material gas produced by LNG, the purification requirements are particularly harsh. The existing desulphurization and decarbonization technology is difficult to be adopted directly. In this paper, the existing natural gas desulfurization and decarburization methods and processes are analyzed and compared. Combined with the temperament characteristics of the associated gas in the oil production plant, physicochemical absorption method is selected as the basic desulfurization and decarbonization process of the associated gas. Then the solution formula, pressurization scheme and heavy hydrocarbon dissolution process involved in the scheme were analyzed and studied. Finally, the desulphurization and decarburization purification process of the associated gas was designed to meet the needs of downstream LNG production temperament. In this paper, the desulfurization and decarbonization effects of seven formulations are compared and analyzed. Finally, it is determined that the desulphurization and decarbonization formula solution is Sulfinol-Dane type 鈪,




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