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發(fā)布時間:2018-05-17 07:26

  本文選題:氣液混輸 + 稠油 ; 參考:《西南石油大學》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:Heavy oil, as an important source of energy, occupies an important position in oil and gas exploration and development and national energy strategic reserve. Due to the high viscosity, large density and poor fluidity of heavy oil, it is difficult to meet the safe and efficient pipeline transportation requirements by conventional transport technology. In oil wells and offshore platforms, most of the associated gas is released or burned. If these gases are mixed with heavy oil, it is expected to realize the energy saving and energy saving transportation of heavy oil. Therefore, the paper puts forward the thought and method for the study of the resistance characteristics of heavy oil, discusses the conditions and main influencing factors of the drag reduction of heavy oil, and explores a new method to reduce the resistance of heavy oil pipes. The theoretical foundation for the development of heavy oil aeration transport technology is laid. In this paper, numerical simulation and laboratory experiments are used to carry out a thorough study on the resistance characteristics and related problems of heavy oil aeration transport. By using the numerical simulation method and through the establishment of the sea pipe model, the air and liquid ratio and the pipe diameter are studied for the pressure drop, temperature drop and gas and liquid. The effect of phase flow rate, liquid holdup and flow pattern, using 220# white oil and 440# white oil as simulated oil, test and analyze its property and characteristics, choose air as an experimental analog aeration medium, design a suitable aeration system, establish a small experimental loop device to simulate heavy oil aeration transport, and systematically study the flow of heavy oil in the process of aeration. Dynamic behavior, the variation law of air pressure drop and flow pattern in the flow process is discussed, and the applicability of the correlation pressure drop model is compared and analyzed. The results show that (1) the pressure drop along the range increases gradually with the increase of the amount of gas, the liquid holding rate decreases gradually, and the slug flow gradually appears, and the aeration medium is associated gas. The minimum time pressure drop is the maximum of carbon dioxide; the optimum aeration interval of each aeration medium is narrowed by the relative size ratio of the air pressure drop. The optimum aeration ratio of nitrogen and air is 1:1, the optimum aeration ratio of carbon dioxide is 0.65:1, and the optimal aeration ratio of associated gas is 1.2:1 in the simulated interval; (2) 220# and 440# simulation The oil has good Newton fluid characteristics at the test temperature of 10~60 C, and the viscosity decreases with the increase of temperature at 10~30 C. (3) the drag reduction rate of 220# white oil is mostly below 20% and the maximum drag reduction rate is not more than 60% within the experimental range, and the drag reduction rate of T type three through aeration is generally higher than that of Y type three. In the same aeration mode, the overall drag reduction rate of 440# white oil is higher than that of 220# white oil, and the gas to liquid ratio is higher at the same drag reduction rate, but the low gas solution is better than the drag reduction effect. (4) under the experimental conditions, the maximum drag reduction rate of 220# white oil T aeration is 49.24% when the gas to liquid ratio is 24.02, and the Y type aeration is in the gas to liquid ratio when the Y type aeration is used. The maximum drag reduction rate at 4.35 is 39.13%, and the maximum drag reduction rate of 440# white oil Y aeration is 33.76%. at the gas liquid ratio of 0.96. The simulation results of the second chapters show that the optimal mixture ratio of air is 1:1, and the viscosity of heavy oil is similar to that of this chapter, indicating that the viscosity of liquid is the optimal mixture ratio. One of the main factors: (5) the theoretical calculation is mainly distributed in the lower pressure drop interval, and the experimental value is mainly distributed in the higher pressure drop interval. When the viscosity of the fluid is fixed, the data point is mainly distributed in the range of low gas liquid ratio, the smaller the gas liquid ratio, the smaller the error between the calculated pressure difference and the simulation result, the higher the viscosity model. The worse the applicability is, (6) the Duke Le II method is more suitable for describing the flow of fluid aeration in the paper, and it is also proved that the range of viscosity and flow range of the Duke Le II pressure drop formula is more wide than that of the Duke I method.


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