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  本文選題:雞西盆地 + 城子河組; 參考:《中國地質(zhì)大學(xué)(北京)》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:Delta facies and lacustrine facies are mainly developed in Chengzihe formation, Jixi Basin, and fluvial facies are developed in some regions. In the early sedimentary period of Chengzihe formation, the delta in the north and south of the basin formed a whole, and in the eastern part of the basin there was a littoral shallow lake, deep lacustrine and semi-deep lacustrine subfacies, and in the middle depositional period of Chengzihe formation, the two deltas were separated from each other. The lacustrine facies developed in the central part of the basin and the large scale lake bay swamps developed in the eastern part of the basin, the alluvial plains developed in the northwest and southeast margin of the basin, and the scale of the two deltas expanded in the late Chengzihe formation. In addition, the scale of basin alluvial plain also expands, and the scale of lacustrine facies in the middle of basin is reduced. The favorable coal-forming environment of Chengzihe formation in Jixi Basin is the subfacies of the delta plain in the north and south and the subfacies of the swamp in the lake bay developed in part of the period. The main coal seam roof lithologic assemblages of Chengzihe formation in Jixi Basin can be divided into three types: mudstone dominant roof, hard rock dominant roof and broken roof. The dominant roof of argillaceous rock is the most favorable for the enrichment and preservation of coalbed methane. In most areas of the basin, the sedimentary facies types of sediment are relatively fine, so that the mudstone dominant roof caprocks are formed in most areas of the basin, while the hard rock dominant roof is only developed in a few areas on the margin of the basin. It can be seen that the exploration potential of coalbed methane in Jixi Basin is great. The main coal micronites in Chengzihe formation of Jixi Basin are vitrinite, and the main coal beds are bright coal with high ash content and low sulfur content. The coal rank of main coal seam is gas coal and coking coal. The metamorphism of coal beds in the basin is relatively high and has a good potential for coalbed methane generation. The geological structure of Jidong Sag and Muling Sag in the north of Jixi Basin is mainly compression-type and large compound oblique, which is favorable for the enrichment and preservation of coalbed methane. The gas content of the coal bed in the basin increases with the increase of the depth of the coal bed, and the coal bed in the Jidong depression of the northern belt of the basin is larger than that in the Muling sag in the south belt of the basin. The hydrological conditions of Jidong sag and Muling sag are relatively simple. The enrichment of coalbed methane is mainly influenced by hydraulic plugging and controlling gas by hydraulic sealing. In the southern part of the basin, the faults are developed near the Dumi fault zone, the formation is rich in water and has good hydraulic connection with the coal seam, and the groundwater causes the coalbed methane to dissipate during the circulation process. According to various geological conditions, two favorable zones of coalbed methane are divided into two favorable zones in Jixi basin: the favorable zone of Lanling to East China Sea, and the favorable zone of cooperative coalbed methane.


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