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發(fā)布時間:2018-05-16 17:15

  本文選題:鄂爾多斯盆地 + 靖邊梁鎮(zhèn) ; 參考:《西北大學》2015年碩士論文

【摘要】:論文選取鄂爾多斯盆地陜北斜坡中部靖邊縣梁鎮(zhèn)地區(qū)延安組延9層作為研究對象,依據(jù)大量地質(zhì)、測井及開發(fā)動態(tài)資料,對該區(qū)目的層進行了地層劃分和小層對比,分析了油層構造特征以及油層連通性、儲集層物性特征,結合梁鎮(zhèn)工區(qū)動態(tài)資料分析研究區(qū)剩余油分布特征,并提出針對性的開發(fā)調(diào)整建議。取得的主要認識如下:1梁鎮(zhèn)研究區(qū)內(nèi)構造為小型鼻狀構造與小型穹窿構造,在靠近工區(qū)南部發(fā)育斷裂。2將梁鎮(zhèn)油區(qū)延9地層組劃分為延91、延92、延93三個小層。延91地層厚度集中分布在5m-20m之間,延92地層厚度主要分布與lOm-30m之間,延93地層厚度主要介于20m-40m之間。3延91和延92小層是梁鎮(zhèn)油區(qū)的主要儲油層,延93層砂層雖然發(fā)育良好,但是油層相對不發(fā)育,連通性也相對較差。4 該區(qū)延9油層僅有20%的注水受效井,注水未收效油井約占80%,延91和延92小層是剩余油賦存最多的層位。針對這種情況,提出了以油水井轉注為主的開發(fā)調(diào)整的建議。
[Abstract]:This paper selects Yan'an formation of Yanan formation in Liangzhen area, Jingbian County, northern Shaanxi Basin as the research object. According to a large number of geological, logging and development dynamic data, stratigraphic division and small layer correlation are carried out for the target layer in this area. The characteristics of reservoir structure, reservoir connectivity and reservoir physical properties are analyzed. Combined with the dynamic data of Liangzhen work area, the distribution characteristics of remaining oil in the study area are analyzed, and suggestions for development adjustment are put forward. The main results are as follows: the structure in the study area of Liangzhen is a small nose structure and a small dome structure. The Yan9 stratigraphic formation of Liangzhen oil area is divided into three sub-layers, Yan91, Yan92, and Yan93, by developing fault .2 near the southern part of the work area. The thickness of Yan 91 is mainly distributed between 5m-20m, and the thickness of Yan 92 is mainly distributed between lOm-30m and Yan 93. The thickness of Yan 93 is mainly between 3.3-Yan 91 and Yan92 between 20m-40m and Yan92 is the main reservoir in Liangzhen oil area, and the sand layer of Yan 93 is well developed. However, the reservoir is relatively undeveloped, and the connectivity is relatively poor. Only 20% of the wells affected by water injection in Yan9 reservoir in this area, 80 wells with no water injection effect, Yan91 and Yan92 layers are the most abundant layers of remaining oil. In view of this situation, the paper puts forward some suggestions for development adjustment of oil-water well transfer injection.


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9 劉寶s,




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