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發(fā)布時間:2018-05-16 13:30

  本文選題:水平井火驅(qū) + 稠油; 參考:《特種油氣藏》2017年06期

【摘要】:針對新疆油田風(fēng)城重18井區(qū)稠油油藏水平井火驅(qū)出現(xiàn)氣竄、井底高溫、氧氣超標(biāo)等問題,運用稠油燃燒理論方程,研究了水平井火驅(qū)技術(shù)存在的風(fēng)險。利用自主研制的三維火驅(qū)物理模擬實驗裝置,通過室內(nèi)實驗研究了不同直井水平井距離、注采參數(shù)對水平井火驅(qū)穩(wěn)定燃燒的影響,并給出了最佳調(diào)控參數(shù)。研究表明:預(yù)熱階段形成均勻的蒸汽腔和泄油通道,點火初期保持燃燒前緣結(jié)焦帶和"油墻"連續(xù)封閉且形成超覆燃燒特征,是水平井火驅(qū)穩(wěn)定燃燒的重要條件。通過上部射孔方式增加直井與水平井垂直距離,實現(xiàn)初期超覆燃燒;現(xiàn)場注氣速度為4 000 m~3/d、生產(chǎn)壓差為1 MPa左右時,可保持注采平衡,防止氣竄。通過調(diào)控,風(fēng)城重18井區(qū)空氣油比降至1 000 m~3/m~3,水平井段溫度控制在200℃左右,成功避免了水平井的氣竄,實現(xiàn)了水平井火驅(qū)的穩(wěn)定驅(qū)油,為稠油油藏開發(fā)提供了新的技術(shù)手段。
[Abstract]:Aiming at the problems of gas channeling, high temperature at the bottom of the well and oxygen exceeding the standard in the horizontal well flooding of heavy oil reservoir in Fengcheng heavy 18 well area of Xinjiang Oilfield, the risk of horizontal well fire flooding technology is studied by using the heavy oil combustion theory equation. The effects of horizontal well distance and injection-production parameters on the steady combustion of horizontal flooding in horizontal wells were studied by laboratory experiments using a three dimensional physical simulation device developed by ourselves, and the optimal control parameters were given. The results show that the formation of uniform steam cavity and oil discharge channel in preheating stage, the continuous sealing of coking zone and "oil wall" at the initial stage of ignition and the formation of overburning characteristics are the important conditions for stable combustion of horizontal well fire drive. The vertical distance between vertical well and horizontal well is increased by the way of upper perforation, and initial overburning is realized. When the field gas injection velocity is 4 000 mm2 / 3 / d and the production pressure difference is about 1 MPa, the injection-production balance can be kept and gas channeling can be prevented. Through adjustment and control, the air / oil ratio in Fengcheng heavy 18 well area is reduced to 1 000 mm3 / mm3, and the temperature of horizontal well section is controlled at about 200 鈩,




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