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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-05-15 22:15

  本文選題:石油運(yùn)輸 + 管道保護(hù); 參考:《西南交通大學(xué)》2015年碩士論文

[Abstract]:With the development of national economy. The demand for oil, natural gas and other energy in China is increasing day by day. In order to meet the national demand for energy, China has increased the scale of long-distance pipeline construction. In order to effectively protect the pipeline and anticorrosive coating from damage, the underground pipeline has strict requirements for the soil composition around it. However, in some mountainous areas where the geological conditions are even worse (such as rocky desertification area), it is impossible to find the soil suitable for backfill ditches, which requires long distance transportation of soil or crushing of large gravel, thus increasing the construction cost and prolonging the construction period. Based on this background, this paper studies and develops a kind of foam material with high strength, impact resistance and easy construction, which can be wrapped outside the pipe and make up for the drawback of the traditional backfill method of fine soil. The main research results of this paper are as follows: (1) by using the single factor experimental method, the experimental scheme of the ratio of protective layer materials is formulated, and seven groups of experiments are carried out. Through the impact test of simply supported beam on the sample, the influence trend of each component of the protective layer raw material on the impact property of the material is obtained. The compression strength of 230 KPA, the impact strength of 15.9J, the uniform bubble pore and the moderate density are determined by the comparison of each component test. Less dense protective layer material. There is no bad effect such as mutual corrosion between the protective material and PE coating of pipeline, so it can coexist with it for a long time. (2) the dynamic response of pipeline under impact load is studied by indoor model test. It is found that the depth of the cover subsidence and the pipeline stress increase with the increase of the thickness of the protective layer and the times of impact loading, and the stress growth coefficient of the pipeline with different thickness of the protective layer is obtained. By using ABAQUS finite element numerical analysis software, the dynamic variation laws of pipeline with different protective layer thickness, pipe diameter and drop height of weight hammer are analyzed, and the results of indoor model experiments and the economic performance of materials are considered. Finally, it is determined that the optimum thickness of protective layer material should be between 5-8cm. 3) by adopting the loading methods of block backfill, vehicle compaction, weight hammer impact, etc., the stress of PE anticorrosion layer and pipeline without protective coating is analyzed and compared. The influence of soil pressure and pipeline vibration acceleration. The protective layer can greatly reduce the dynamic response of the pipeline and protect the PE anticorrosion coating from damage when the original soil (block rock) is backfilled with the pipe trench, and when the heavy hammer impact load is acting on the soil above the pipe, The protective effect of the protective layer on the pipeline is also effective, but when the moving load of the vehicle, the protective effect of the protective layer on the pipeline is equivalent to that of the fine soil protection. In general, the protective effect of protective coating material on pipeline and PE anticorrosion coating is obviously better than that of fine soil on pipeline protection. 4) in this paper, combined with the characteristics of protective layer material, the site construction equipment system is designed. At the same time, two construction methods, spraying construction and pouring construction, are given. According to the site construction conditions, choosing suitable construction methods can greatly improve the construction progress of the protective layer and shorten the construction period. (5) the economy of the protective layer material is compared quantitatively with that of the traditional stone square crushing and the purchase of fine soil backfill. The results show that the economy of protective material is better than that of other ways, and the protective layer material increases the safety of PE protective layer and pipeline, reduces the risk of damage and burst, avoids the potential risk and loss, and reduces the probability of maintenance and maintenance. The economy of protective layer material is increased indirectly.


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