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發(fā)布時間:2018-05-15 21:23

  本文選題:斷裂 + 側接輸導; 參考:《石油地球物理勘探》2017年06期

[Abstract]:The fracture transition zone and the unclosed part of the fracture are the parts of the oil and gas migration on the fracture side. According to the characteristics of the fault distance and distance curve, the position of the fracture transition zone can be determined according to the law of the big break distance between the same fracture and the broken distance between the two ends, and the mud content of the actual fracture filling material is less than the minimum filling material required for the closed oil and gas. The part of the shale content is the lateral unclosed part of the fracture, and the migration path of the oil and gas along the sand body is determined according to the oil and gas potential line method. The lateral migration path along the sand body is overlapped with the fracture transition zone and the lateral and unclosed part of the fracture. It can be determined that the oil and gas migration parts of the fracture side are fracture. The method is applied to the SHA1 section of the Wen'an slope area of the Jizhong depression in the Jizhong depression, Bohai Bay Basin, and the prediction of oil and gas migration in the two section of the Shahejie Formation in the Jizhong depression, the Jizhong depression in the Bohai Bay basin. The transition zone is also an unclosed part of the fracture side, which is more conducive to the migration of oil and gas in the fracture side. Only a few fracture side connecting oil and gas migration parts are the lateral and non closed parts of the fracture, which is beneficial to the lateral migration and accumulation of oil and gas through the fracture. The oil and gas found in the two section of sand and sand are mainly distributed on the fault side to transfer the oil and gas. The fracture near the migration site is consistent.

【作者單位】: 東北石油大學;


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