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發(fā)布時間:2018-05-15 12:35

  本文選題:極超深水(≥ + m)。 參考:《高校地質(zhì)學報》2017年03期

【摘要】:沉積盆地古水深恢復及其演化是含油氣盆地研究的重要內(nèi)容之一,是烴源巖、儲集層和蓋層及油氣成藏的控制因素之一。用地震方法解析三角洲前積層的厚度來研究水深是一個比較可靠的方法。文章采用這一方法,并結(jié)合部分測井、錄井資料及巖心對渤海灣盆地北部的遼西凹陷、中部的南堡凹陷和近南部的東營凹陷沙三中期的古水深進行了研究,發(fā)現(xiàn)遼西凹陷在沙三中期發(fā)育了一個大型三角洲扇體,在其前緣相發(fā)育了含大量灰—深灰色撕裂泥礫的重力流沉積,并獲得了遼西凹陷沙三中期最大古水深為1092 m;南堡凹陷沙三中期為一套暗色的泥頁巖夾砂巖,最大古水深在552 m;東營凹陷沙三中期為一套暗色泥巖夾含暗色漂浮泥礫的粉砂巖,也為一套重力流沉積,結(jié)合史128井—牛43井地震測線的連井剖面,獲得了最大古水深在681 m。這三個古水深揭示了整個渤海灣盆地在古近紀沙三中期是一個極超深水(≥500 m)的盆地,為形成大面積分布的優(yōu)質(zhì)烴源巖和大型含油氣盆地奠定了一定的基礎(chǔ)。
[Abstract]:The restoration and evolution of paleodepth in sedimentary basins is one of the important contents in the study of petroliferous basins and is one of the controlling factors of hydrocarbon source rocks, reservoirs and caprocks, as well as oil and gas accumulation. It is a reliable method to study the depth of water by using seismic method to analyze the thickness of delta front layer. This paper uses this method, combined with some logging, logging data and cores, to study the paleodepth of the middle stage of Sha3 in the northern Liaoxi sag, the central Nanpu depression and the near southern Dongying sag in the Bohai Bay basin. It is found that a large delta fan was developed in the middle stage of the third stage of the depression in the west of Liaoning Province, and the gravity flow deposits containing a large amount of gray-dark gray tearing mud gravel were developed in the front facies of the depression. The results show that the maximum paleodepth in middle stage of Sha3 is 1092 m, that in Nanpu sag is a set of dark shale-intercalated sandstone with the maximum paleo water depth of 552m.The middle stage of Sha3 in Dongying sag is a set of siltstone with dark floating mudstone. It is also a set of gravity flow deposition, and the maximum ancient water depth of 681 m is obtained by combining with the continuous well profile of the seismic logging line of Shi128 well Niu43 well. These three ancient water depths reveal that the whole Bohai Bay basin is a very deep water basin (鈮,




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