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發(fā)布時間:2018-05-15 07:47

  本文選題:多極子聲源 + 井外聲場; 參考:《聲學(xué)技術(shù)》2016年06期

【摘要】:聲波遠(yuǎn)探測方法已逐漸成為石油測井的一門重要應(yīng)用技術(shù),聲源向井外地層中的輻射特性是遠(yuǎn)探測聲場的主控因數(shù)。推導(dǎo)了單極、偶極和四極子聲源的遠(yuǎn)場位移漸近解與輻射指向性公式,模擬分析了低頻和常規(guī)測井頻率下多極子聲源在井外地層中的輻射圖樣,優(yōu)選出不同聲源輻射到地層中的優(yōu)勢波類型,并對比了不同頻率下優(yōu)勢波指向性的變化規(guī)律。結(jié)果表明:單極輻射P波和偶極輻射SH橫波在各自的輻射聲場中占據(jù)了主導(dǎo)地位,它們對應(yīng)的最佳激發(fā)頻段分別在10 k Hz和4 k Hz左右,而在四極子聲源的輻射聲場中,P波和SH橫波的指向性相近,均優(yōu)于SV橫波,且兩者在7 k Hz左右達(dá)到最佳,為多極子聲波遠(yuǎn)探測技術(shù)的應(yīng)用提供了理論支持。
[Abstract]:Acoustic remote detection method has gradually become an important application technology of petroleum logging. The radiation characteristics of sound source to the field of well are the main control factor of far detection sound field. The far field displacement asymptotic solutions and radiation directivity formulas of monopole, dipole and quadrupole sound sources are derived, and the radiation patterns of multipole sound sources in the field of wells under low frequency and conventional logging frequency are simulated and analyzed. The dominant wave types radiated by different sound sources into the strata are selected and the variation laws of dominant wave directivity at different frequencies are compared. The results show that the unipolar P wave and the dipole radiation SH wave occupy the dominant position in their respective radiation sound fields, and their corresponding optimal excitation frequency ranges are about 10 kHz and 4 kHz, respectively. In the radiated sound field of quadrupole sound source, the directivity of P wave and SH wave are similar, which are better than SV wave, and they reach the best at about 7 kHz, which provides theoretical support for the application of multipole acoustic wave remote detection technology.
【作者單位】: 中國石油大學(xué)(華東)地球科學(xué)與技術(shù)學(xué)院聲學(xué)測井聯(lián)合實(shí)驗(yàn)室;




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