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發(fā)布時間:2018-05-14 20:39

  本文選題:石油工業(yè)投資 + 碳排放 ; 參考:《中國石油大學(xué)(華東)》2015年碩士論文

[Abstract]:In recent years, the development of China's petroleum industry has been in line with international standards, the speed of development has been gradually accelerated, and the investment in China's petroleum industry has also been steadily increasing; however, as a major carbon emitter, China's petroleum industry investment needs to be responsible for high energy consumption and high pollution while developing at high speed. Therefore, how to coordinate oil industry investment, oil industry carbon emissions and economic growth has become a problem to be solved. Firstly, the present situation of petroleum industry investment, carbon emission and economic growth in petroleum industry are analyzed, and then the effects of oil industry investment, carbon emission and economic growth are analyzed one by using qualitative analysis method. It is found that the oil industry investment, carbon emissions and economic growth have a mutual impact on each other. Then, the relationship between oil industry investment, carbon emission and economic growth is quantitatively analyzed, and the "three yuan" cycle influence structure of oil industry investment, carbon emission and economic growth is established. The quantitative analysis by panel autovector regression model shows that the reduction of GDP carbon emissions in petroleum industry can promote China's petroleum industry investment, and the increase of oil industry investment will promote economic growth. The economic growth will promote the oil industry to reduce the carbon emissions, in addition, through the analysis of the variable coefficient model, we can see that there are regional differences in the impact of reducing carbon emissions on the oil industry investment. Finally, based on the conclusion of qualitative and quantitative analysis and the relationship between the three variables, the paper puts forward that the normative role of policy should be brought into play. In order to realize the coordinated development of China's petroleum industry investment, carbon emissions and economic growth, the paper gives full play to the regulatory role of relevant departments and the guiding role of energy saving and emission reduction in order to achieve the coordinated development of China's petroleum industry investment, carbon emissions and economic growth.


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