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發(fā)布時間:2018-05-14 20:17

  本文選題:油氣儲運 + 管道; 參考:《中國石油石化》2016年S2期

[Abstract]:Pipeline transportation is the main way of oil and gas transportation in our country at present, and it is also an important link for the smooth transmission of energy. The wide application of oil and gas storage and transportation pipelines in China provides a great impetus for the development of social productive forces. But pipeline corrosion in oil and gas storage and transportation is also an important problem in recent years. Pipeline corrosion is not only not conducive to oil and gas transportation, but also likely to lead to oil and gas losses. This paper briefly describes the main factors leading to pipeline corrosion and the present situation of application of related anticorrosion technology, and puts forward some problems needing attention in oil and gas pipeline anticorrosion technology.
【作者單位】: 中石油青海油田分公司;


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