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發(fā)布時間:2018-05-14 04:14

  本文選題:交會圖 + 決策樹; 參考:《石油與天然氣地質》2017年04期

[Abstract]:The Ordovician in Tahe Oilfield is rich in oil and gas resources, which is influenced by karstification to develop caves, caverns and fractures, and different materials are filled in the caves. Many types of fractures and cavities are formed by the combination of various reservoir spaces and fillers, which leads to the complexity of the response characteristics of conventional logging and the difficulty of identifying the types. According to the information of outcrop, core and wellbore imaging logging, six types of fracture and cavity body are determined, which are unfilled cave type, sand mud filling cave type, breccia filling cave type, calcite filling cave type, fracture cavity type and so on. Combined with the difference of lithology and physical properties among different types of fracture and cavity bodies, the response characteristics and distribution of dual lateral, natural gamma, acoustic, neutron and density logging of different types of fracture and cavity bodies are analyzed. In this paper, the cross graph of logging response is established, and nine log response cross charts which are sensitive to the type of fracture and cavity body are selected, and the method of identifying fracture and cavity body type step by step is formed by combining the decision tree method. The method is used to process and interpret the actual well data in Tahe Oilfield. The identification results are compared with the core and mud logging, and the coincidence rate is higher than 85%. This method reduces the influence of confusion between the conventional logging responses of different types of fracture-cavity bodies, and helps to play the role of each conventional logging response and improve the recognition coincidence rate.
【作者單位】: 中國石化石油勘探開發(fā)研究院;
【基金】:國家科技重大專項(2016ZX05014-002-001,2017ZX05005-005-005) 中科院先導專項(XDA14010204)


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