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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-05-13 22:35

  本文選題:巖漿侵入 + 煤層氣 ; 參考:《中國(guó)地質(zhì)大學(xué)(北京)》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:Good physical property of coal reservoir is the basis of coalbed methane rich integrated reservoir. Finding out the physical property of coal reservoir and reservoir forming mode is the key to high efficiency development of coal bed methane. The enrichment mechanism of coalbed methane (CBM) in the background of magma intrusion is often a practical subject in the process of exploration and development of CBM. This paper takes Linxing area as the research object, aiming at the mechanism of coalbed methane reservoir reconstruction and coalbed methane accumulation under the influence of the Yanshanian Zijinshan rock body superposition, through geological, drilling, logging and seismic information analysis. The physical properties of multi-technology coal reservoir are tested, and the evolution of physical properties of coalbed methane reservoir, the process of coal-bed methane generation and storage, the mechanism of magmatic intrusion into the main controlled coalbed methane reservoir forming mechanism and the reservoir forming model are discussed, which provide scientific basis for the high-efficiency exploitation of coal-bed methane. The main achievements are as follows: 1. From the aspects of tectonic evolution, sedimentary geology and magmatic activity, the distribution law of coal seams and sealing conditions of caprock in Linxing area are analyzed, and the process of tectonic-thermal evolution-coalbed methane generation in the study area is fitted. It is pointed out that in Linxing area, the strata of the Carboniferous and Permian coal measures reached the maximum depth from the middle to the middle of Jurassic, the strata began to rise slowly, the middle Cretaceous was invaded by magma, and the coal grade was fixed in the middle and late Yanshanian period. The coal grade of Zijinshan rock mass is distributed in annular zone. In addition to deep hydrocarbon generation, coal seams have experienced abnormal thermal secondary hydrocarbon generation in different degrees. By means of mercury injection porosity and permeability detection and reservoir X-CT 3D reconstruction, the coal seam has basic characteristics, such as coal, rock and coal quality, and pore fracture morphology and permeability in coal reservoir. The physical properties of coal reservoir are described and evaluated in detail. The results show that magmatic activity plays a dual role in the reconstruction of coal reservoir. The "positive effect" is that the number of large and medium pores in coal reservoir near Zijinshan rock body is obviously increased, cleats and secondary fractures are developed in large numbers, and the seepage conditions are improved. "negative effect" means that under magmatic heat, the kinetic energy of gas molecules increases, the adsorption capacity of coal to gas decreases, the coalbed methane accelerates to dissipate under the condition of fault and fracture system development, and the sedimentary characteristics and tectonic evolution, Based on the comprehensive analysis of hydrogeological comprehensive reservoir formation and control, the influence of magmatic activity on coalbed methane accumulation in Linxing area is discussed. According to the influence degree of magmatic activity on coal reservoir and the development of associated fractures, the study is divided into magmatic failure area, magmatic thermal influence dominant area, weak influence composite reservoir forming area and tectonic-buried depth control area. According to the difference of coalbed methane plugging conditions, the monoclinic-hydrodynamic plugging type under weak magma and the fault-hydrodynamic plugging type under weak magma action are determined. The types of coalbed methane reservoir are plugging type of magmatic rock body and composite plugging type of syncline hydrodynamic and magmatic rock body.


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