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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-05-13 22:24

  本文選題:海南3斷塊 + 油藏動(dòng)態(tài)分析法; 參考:《東北石油大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:The fault block Hainan 3 in Tan Hai Oilfield is located in the northern part of the Hainan-Yuedong overlying structural belt in Liaohe Basin, which is composed of Hainan 1 block and Hainan 3 block, and is located on the middle and upper steps of the structure, respectively. For more than ten years of water injection development, the whole fault block has the characteristics of high decline and high degree of production at present. The existing problem of development is that water drive has obvious directionality, and the water flooding in the direction of the main river is serious, and the pattern of injection-production wells on the plane is not perfect. The relationship between vertical oil and water wells is not perfect. (3) in the middle and late stages of water injection development, water flooding is serious, and most oil wells are flooded. The distribution law of remaining oil was studied by reservoir dynamic analysis method. On the basis of each single sand reservoir, connectivity and historical data of oil and water wells, the injection rate of each injection well is divided into each single sand body by using the various production materials of oil and water wells. Combined with the production conditions of oil and water wells in the well area, the latest water flooding plan is drawn, and the distribution law of remaining oil and water in the plane and longitudinally of the reservoir is analyzed. It can be roughly divided into five types: 1) fault, lithology, injection water controlled type 2) thin layer single sand body control type (Xinjiao 3), well pattern control type, type 4) uncontrollable well pattern, type 1) injection without production. After water injection was developed in 2000, different types of remaining oil were considered. Taking the single sand body as the object, improving the relationship between injection and production through oil well injection, strengthening the single sand body production, and aiming at the plane and interlayer interference problems caused by the coexistence of strong and weak water flooding, the experiments of stratified water injection, adjustment of water injection distribution and deep adjustment and flooding are carried out. In this paper, the rhythmic top remaining oil of high water-cut wells in high water-cut wells is excavated by periodic water injection, and some measures such as fracturing and acidizing of oil-water wells are taken to strengthen the production of remaining oil with poor water injection efficiency for the wells in the reservoir with poor reservoir variation at the edge of a single channel. Through water drive comprehensive management, block development indicators to achieve the requirements of the plan. The comprehensive decline is 2.2 and the natural decline is 4.6. The degree of water drive control and water driving are gradually increased and the comprehensive water cut and water cut rise rate is stable.


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