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發(fā)布時間:2018-05-13 16:41

  本文選題:蠟資源回收利用 + 酮苯裝置 ; 參考:《北京化工大學(xué)》2015年碩士論文

[Abstract]:Paraffin has always been a by-product of oil production by solvent method. With the rapid development of economy in China, the application of paraffin wax products is becoming more and more extensive, and the demand for paraffin wax is increasing, especially for refining. Demand for semi-refined paraffin wax has been strong. China Petrochemical Co., Ltd. Beijing Yanshan Branch (hereinafter referred to as Yanshan Branch) is an important lubricant and paraffin wax production base in China. The regenerative output deoiling wax is more than 100000 tons (including 70,000 tons of deoiling wax minus the fourth line), and the economic benefit is more than 100 million yuan. Therefore, increasing the utilization rate of wax resources is an effective and necessary means to increase paraffin yield. Yanshan Branch Company wants to fully tap the potential of the existing solvent process to produce lubricating oil units, through the technical transformation of various related units, to increase the quantity of paraffin wax products, to meet the needs of the domestic and international markets, and to obtain higher benefits with less investment. In line with national industrial policy. The research object of this paper is to improve the utilization ratio of wax resources and the retrofit of supporting system in ketone benzene plant of Beijing Yanshan Branch of China Petrochemical Co., Ltd. In this project, the deoiling unit is to be added to the heavy oil system of the ketobenzene plant, and the revamping is to be carried out in two phases. The purpose of the first phase of the transformation is to first reduce the two, reduce the three wax resources and recover all the resources. After the first phase of transformation, the second phase is to recycle the remaining four wax resources. Based on the detailed feasibility study of the project, the market analysis and prediction, the project technical scheme research, the ecological environment impact analysis, the economic analysis and the social evaluation are carried out by using the relevant theory of the project feasibility study. Finally, the conclusion is drawn that the project is feasible.


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