
當(dāng)前位置:主頁 > 科技論文 > 機(jī)械論文 >


發(fā)布時間:2018-08-01 12:02
[Abstract]:Aiming at the hydraulic pipeline working under the strong vibration environment, the vibration hydraulic pipe beam model is established, and the active vibration reduction model of the pipeline is established by combining the fluid-solid coupling transverse vibration model of the pipeline. The characteristic line and difference method are used to solve the mathematical model, and the influence law of active vibration phase difference, frequency, action position and amplitude on pipeline vibration is studied. The influence curves of the vibration absorption parameters on the maximum value and stress of the pipeline are obtained. It is found that when the vibration phase difference is 蟺, the maximum amplitude and maximum stress of the pipeline can be reduced by 44.55% and 39.699.69%, respectively, and the other three parameters can be adjusted properly. The results show that the active vibration reduction method can effectively reduce the vibration of the pipeline and provide a certain theoretical reference for the active vibration reduction of the pipeline.
【作者單位】: 中南大學(xué)機(jī)電工程學(xué)院;中南大學(xué)高性能復(fù)雜制造國家重點(diǎn)實(shí)驗(yàn)室;


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