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發(fā)布時間:2018-07-31 13:23
【摘要】:超大模數(shù)齒輪在重大工程裝備中的應(yīng)用越來越廣泛,且齒輪模數(shù)也在不斷增大,如海洋鉆井平臺中齒輪的模數(shù)已達(dá)135mm。在國家標(biāo)準(zhǔn)GB3480-1997中,齒輪最大模數(shù)為50mm,而對模數(shù)超過50mm的超大模數(shù)齒輪來說,目前尚無成熟的設(shè)計理論及強(qiáng)度計算理論。 本課題以江蘇省科技計劃支撐項(xiàng)目《海上風(fēng)電吊裝和運(yùn)輸專用工作船研發(fā)》為背景,研究超大模數(shù)齒輪的設(shè)計方法,并為該吊裝船設(shè)計一套安全、可靠的超大模數(shù)齒輪齒條傳動機(jī)構(gòu),在此基礎(chǔ)上,利用有限元法對超大模數(shù)齒輪的接觸強(qiáng)度及彎曲強(qiáng)度進(jìn)行深入分析,并對齒輪齒條強(qiáng)度進(jìn)行優(yōu)化研究。本論文主要研究內(nèi)容為: 1.根據(jù)齒輪嚙合理論,研究超大模數(shù)齒輪設(shè)計方法。利用相似理論與有限元相結(jié)合,研究適合任意模數(shù)、壓力角等參數(shù)的齒輪設(shè)計方法,建立超大模數(shù)齒輪的模數(shù)及分度圓計算數(shù)學(xué)模型,并采用有限元法求解復(fù)合齒形系數(shù)Y17 2.針對風(fēng)電吊裝船的參數(shù)及設(shè)計要求,分析最危險工況(預(yù)壓工況)下齒輪齒條機(jī)構(gòu)所受的外載荷;利用研究出的超大模數(shù)齒輪設(shè)計方法為其升降系統(tǒng)設(shè)計一套安全、可靠的齒輪齒條傳動機(jī)構(gòu)。 3.基于C#語言及SolidWorks軟件的二次開發(fā)技術(shù),開發(fā)一套漸開線圓柱齒輪精確的參數(shù)化建模程序,并建立齒輪齒條嚙合三維模型;利用有限元法對齒輪齒條進(jìn)行接觸分析,研究超大模數(shù)齒輪齒條的齒面接觸應(yīng)力及齒根彎曲應(yīng)力在一個嚙合周期內(nèi)的變化規(guī)律。 4.研究漸開線齒輪變位系數(shù)x、壓力角α、齒頂高系數(shù)ha*、齒頂隙系數(shù)c*、齒根圓角半徑系數(shù)ρf*、模數(shù)m及齒條寬度b對超大模數(shù)齒輪承載能力的影響規(guī)律,并在此基礎(chǔ)上,對原設(shè)計的齒輪齒條機(jī)構(gòu)進(jìn)行優(yōu)化,使齒輪齒條的彎曲強(qiáng)度與接觸強(qiáng)度得到了很大程度的提高。分析規(guī)律顯示:每個參數(shù)對齒輪齒條承載能力都有較大程度的影響,但影響程度各不相同。
[Abstract]:Super-large modulus gears are more and more widely used in major engineering equipment, and the gear modulus is also increasing, such as the gear modulus in offshore drilling platform has reached 135 mm. In the national standard GB3480-1997, the maximum modulus of gear is 50 mm, but for the super modulus gear whose modulus exceeds 50mm, there is no mature design theory and strength calculation theory. Based on the project "Research and Development of Special working ship for Offshore Wind Power hoisting and Transportation", this paper studies the design method of super modulus gear, and designs a set of safety for the hoisting ship. Based on the reliable transmission mechanism of super modulus gear rack, the contact strength and bending strength of super modulus gear are analyzed by finite element method, and the gear rack strength is optimized. The main contents of this thesis are as follows: 1. According to the theory of gear meshing, the design method of super modulus gear is studied. By combining similarity theory with finite element method, a gear design method suitable for arbitrary modulus, pressure angle and other parameters is studied, and a mathematical model for calculating modulus and indexing circle of super modulus gear is established. The finite element method is used to solve the complex tooth shape coefficient Y172. According to the parameters and design requirements of wind-powered hoisting ship, the external load of gear rack mechanism under the most dangerous condition (preloading condition) is analyzed, and a set of safety for its lifting system is designed by using the developed design method of super-modulus gear. Reliable gear-rack transmission mechanism. 3. Based on the secondary development technology of C # language and SolidWorks software, a set of precise parameterized modeling program for involute cylindrical gear is developed, and a three-dimensional meshing model of gear rack is established, and the contact analysis of gear rack is carried out by using finite element method. The change of tooth surface contact stress and tooth root bending stress in a meshing period of super modulus gear rack is studied. 4. The influence of the modification coefficient x, pressure angle 偽, tooth top height coefficient hag, top gap coefficient cu, root radius coefficient 蟻 f, modulus m and rack width b of involute gear on the load-carrying capacity of super-large modulus gear is studied. By optimizing the original gear rack mechanism, the bending strength and contact strength of gear rack are greatly improved. The analysis results show that each parameter has great influence on the bearing capacity of gear rack, but the influence degree is different.


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