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發(fā)布時間:2018-07-27 19:51
【摘要】:齒輪傳動是一種應(yīng)用非常廣泛的機械傳動方式,漸開線斜齒圓柱齒輪又因為其傳動平穩(wěn)、替換性強而被廣泛的應(yīng)用于多種領(lǐng)域。本文以塑料斜齒圓柱齒輪為研究對象,對齒輪的齒廓修形和注塑工藝進行了分析。 本文介紹了有限元方法及ANSYS接觸分析算法,比較了拉格朗日算法、罰函數(shù)法和擴展的拉格朗日算法的優(yōu)缺點,建立了斜齒輪ANSYS接觸分析的理論基礎(chǔ)。 根據(jù)斜齒輪的漸開線和螺旋線生成原理建立了漸開線方程和螺旋線方程,利用Pro/E中的參數(shù)化設(shè)計構(gòu)造了斜齒輪的三維幾何模型,并導入結(jié)構(gòu)分析軟件ANSYS中,離散為四面體網(wǎng)格。設(shè)置接觸對,并根據(jù)裝配關(guān)系進行約束和加載,建立齒輪接觸分析模型,通過ANSYS軟件對斜齒輪進行接觸分析,模擬應(yīng)力分布。根據(jù)分析結(jié)果和齒廓修形原理對齒輪進行齒廓修形,修形后的接觸分析結(jié)果表明嚙合處的干涉得到了顯著改善。 應(yīng)用Moldflow軟件模擬了斜齒輪注塑成型過程,優(yōu)化了澆口的位置、數(shù)量、以及布局等工藝條件,通過對不同注塑工藝方案的對比,選取了合理的注塑及保壓工藝參數(shù),為后期的模具設(shè)計、注塑工藝控制提供了可行性方案。斜齒輪的實際成型結(jié)果表明本文提出的方法是有效的。
[Abstract]:Gear transmission is a kind of widely used mechanical transmission. Involute helical cylindrical gear is widely used in many fields because of its stable transmission and strong substitutability. In this paper, the tooth profile modification and injection molding technology of plastic helical cylindrical gear are analyzed. In this paper, the finite element method and ANSYS contact analysis algorithm are introduced. The advantages and disadvantages of Lagrange algorithm, penalty function method and extended Lagrange method are compared, and the theoretical basis of ANSYS contact analysis for helical gears is established. According to the involute and helix generating principle of helical gear, the involute equation and helix equation are established, and the three-dimensional geometric model of helical gear is constructed by using the parameterized design in Pro/E, and introduced into the structural analysis software ANSYS, discretized into tetrahedron mesh. The contact pair was set up and the gear contact analysis model was established according to the assembly relation. The contact analysis of helical gear was carried out by ANSYS software and the stress distribution was simulated. According to the analysis results and the tooth profile modification principle, the gear profile modification is carried out. The contact analysis results show that the interference in the meshing place has been improved significantly. The injection molding process of helical gear was simulated by Moldflow software, and the position, quantity and layout of the gate were optimized. Through the comparison of different injection molding process schemes, reasonable injection molding and pressure keeping process parameters were selected. For the later mold design, injection molding process control to provide a feasible scheme. The actual forming results of helical gear show that the method proposed in this paper is effective.


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