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發(fā)布時間:2018-07-26 17:06
【摘要】:隨著工業(yè)化進程的不斷加快,越來越多的企業(yè)開始意識到設(shè)備維修管理是企業(yè)利潤來源之一,設(shè)備維修管理在企業(yè)中如何實施稱為各個企業(yè)越來越關(guān)注的焦點。政府,學校,醫(yī)院,企業(yè)以及各個部門都開始關(guān)注設(shè)備的維修管理?梢姡O(shè)備維護管理的重要性。 設(shè)備維修管理則是涉及設(shè)備在使用過程中的潤滑、保養(yǎng)、點檢、以及改造,甚至設(shè)備的報廢處理的環(huán)節(jié),為保證設(shè)備正常運轉(zhuǎn)所涉及的一切維修行為統(tǒng)稱為設(shè)備的維修管理。設(shè)備維修管理目的在于保證企業(yè)的正常運作,減少停機時間,提高生產(chǎn)效率,降低維修成本,提高產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量,提高企業(yè)的市場競爭力,為企業(yè)利潤最大化的目標做出最大的貢獻,同時對于企業(yè)而言,設(shè)備維修管理為搶占市場提供了強大的競爭力。 設(shè)備維修管理體系的發(fā)展經(jīng)歷了“事后維修、預防維修、生產(chǎn)維修、全員設(shè)備維修、預測維修”五個階段。隨著現(xiàn)代化設(shè)備向著復雜化、自動化、大型化、精密化的發(fā)展,設(shè)備維修管理面臨著巨大的挑戰(zhàn),設(shè)備維修管理水平與技術(shù)的提升越來越受到各大企業(yè)關(guān)注,擁有先進設(shè)備維修管理體系與技術(shù),對企業(yè)來說已經(jīng)十分必要。 車輪廠目前所面臨的設(shè)備維修管理現(xiàn)狀,根據(jù)這些情況我們選擇車輪廠中最重要的旋壓輪輞生產(chǎn)線為研究目標,利用ABC方法對其進行分類,分為A類設(shè)備,B類設(shè)備以及C類設(shè)備,在此基礎(chǔ)上我們選擇了B類設(shè)備進行可靠性分析得到B類設(shè)備的點檢、保養(yǎng)、潤滑以及預防維修的周期,,同時對B類設(shè)備組成的串聯(lián)系統(tǒng)進行了可靠性分析,進而對車輪廠設(shè)備維修管理的組織以及流程進行分析和優(yōu)化,減少設(shè)備維修時間,提高組織效率。最后根據(jù)可靠性分析選出B類設(shè)備中可靠性最低的設(shè)備進行設(shè)備狀態(tài)預測維修,建立隱馬爾科夫模型(HMM),針對目前設(shè)備的故障發(fā)生后的設(shè)備故障類別進行識別,以減少車輪廠對設(shè)備故障識別上時間的浪費,使得車輪廠設(shè)備維修管理能力得到提升。 改進以后的設(shè)備維修管理方案部分已經(jīng)在使用,設(shè)備的完好率、利用率等指標都有所提高,設(shè)備數(shù)據(jù)更加準確,為企業(yè)生產(chǎn)提供了一定的保障。
[Abstract]:With the accelerating process of industrialization, more and more enterprises begin to realize that equipment maintenance management is one of the profit sources of enterprises. How to implement equipment maintenance management in enterprises is becoming the focus of more and more attention. The government, schools, hospitals, businesses and departments are concerned about the maintenance of equipment. Visible, the importance of equipment maintenance and management. Equipment maintenance management refers to the lubrication, maintenance, spot inspection, modification and even the disposal of scrapping of equipment in the process of use. In order to ensure the normal operation of the equipment, all the maintenance behaviors involved are referred to as the maintenance management of the equipment. The purpose of equipment maintenance management is to ensure the normal operation of enterprises, reduce downtime, improve production efficiency, reduce maintenance costs, improve product quality, and improve the market competitiveness of enterprises. At the same time, equipment maintenance management provides a strong competitive power for the enterprise to seize the market. The development of equipment maintenance management system has experienced five stages: ex post maintenance, preventive maintenance, production maintenance, full equipment maintenance and forecast maintenance. With the development of modern equipment towards complexity, automation, large-scale and precision, equipment maintenance management is facing great challenges, and the improvement of equipment maintenance management level and technology has attracted more and more attention of enterprises. With advanced equipment maintenance management system and technology, for the enterprise has been very necessary. According to the current situation of maintenance and management of the equipment in the wheel factory, we select the most important spinning rim production line in the wheel factory as the research goal, and use ABC method to classify it. On the basis of this, we choose B equipment to carry on the reliability analysis to get the B equipment spot inspection, maintenance, lubrication and preventive repair cycle. At the same time, the reliability of the series system composed of B equipment is analyzed, and the organization and process of maintenance management in wheel factory are analyzed and optimized to reduce the maintenance time and improve the organization efficiency. Finally, according to the reliability analysis, the equipment with the lowest reliability in class B equipment is selected for equipment condition prediction and maintenance, and the Hidden Markov Model (HMM),) is established to identify the fault types of the equipment after the failure of the current equipment. In order to reduce the waste of time on equipment fault identification in wheel factory, the maintenance and management ability of wheel plant equipment is improved. The improved equipment maintenance management scheme is already in use, the equipment integrity rate, utilization rate and other indicators are improved, the equipment data is more accurate, which provides a certain guarantee for the enterprise production.


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