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發(fā)布時間:2018-07-26 13:32
【摘要】: 電液伺服閥是電液伺服系統(tǒng)中的關鍵元件,其靜態(tài)和動態(tài)特性測試在電液伺服系統(tǒng)的理論與實驗研究中具有十分重要的意義。隨著計算機輔助測試(CAT)技術的發(fā)展,電液伺服閥性能測試技術取得了很大進步,而虛擬儀器技術的出現,更使電液伺服閥性能測試技術達到了一個新的高度。本文將虛擬儀器技術和電液伺服閥性能測試技術結合起來,利用圖形化軟件工具—LabVIEW,,研制開發(fā)出了基于虛擬儀器的電液伺服閥性能測試系統(tǒng),對電液伺服閥的靜、動態(tài)特性測試原理和方法進行了討論和研究,以MOOG伺服閥為測試對象進行了靜態(tài)特性測試和試驗結果分析,驗證了所開發(fā)的電液伺服閥測試系統(tǒng)設計方案的合理性。本文首先在介紹電液伺服閥特性和測試遠離以及虛擬儀器技術的基礎上,提出了基于虛擬儀器的電液伺服閥測試系統(tǒng)設計方案,以此方案研制了測試系統(tǒng)的液壓試驗單元和測控單元。 然后根據電液伺服閥的液橋理論提出了一種負載流量低壓測量方法,在所開發(fā)的測試系統(tǒng)上,利用電液比例閥模擬流量測量裝置對所提出的方法進行了試驗驗證,實現了利用低壓流量計和壓力傳感器進行電液伺服閥負載流量特性和空載流量特性的測量。 最后在對電液伺服閥性能測試試驗研究的基礎上,提出了一種基于虛擬儀器的電液伺服閥故障診斷方法,并進行了模擬試驗研究,取得了預期效果。 本系統(tǒng)在Windows XP系統(tǒng)下采用LabVIEW6.1軟件編制了系統(tǒng)軟件,人機界面友好,程序簡單,容易閱讀和維護。信號源和測試功能由軟件編程實現,減少了實際儀器,降低了系統(tǒng)成本。
[Abstract]:Electro-hydraulic servo valve is a key component in electro-hydraulic servo system. The measurement of its static and dynamic characteristics is of great significance in the theoretical and experimental research of electro-hydraulic servo system. With the development of computer-aided testing (CAT) technology, the performance testing technology of electro-hydraulic servo valve has made great progress, and the appearance of virtual instrument technology has made the performance testing technology of electro-hydraulic servo valve reach a new height. In this paper, the virtual instrument technology and electro-hydraulic servo valve performance test technology are combined, and the performance test system of electro-hydraulic servo valve based on virtual instrument is developed by using graphical software tool-LabVIEW. The principle and method of dynamic characteristic testing are discussed and studied. The static characteristic test and test result analysis of MOOG servo valve are carried out, which verify the rationality of the design scheme of the electro-hydraulic servo valve test system developed in this paper. Based on the introduction of electro-hydraulic servo valve characteristics, test distance and virtual instrument technology, a design scheme of electro-hydraulic servo valve testing system based on virtual instrument is proposed in this paper. The hydraulic test unit and the measuring and controlling unit of the test system are developed. Then, according to the bridge theory of electro-hydraulic servo valve, a low pressure load flow measurement method is proposed. The proposed method is tested and verified by using the electro-hydraulic proportional valve analog flow measurement device on the developed test system. The load flow characteristics and no-load flow characteristics of electro-hydraulic servo valve are measured by low pressure Flowmeter and pressure sensor. Finally, on the basis of the test and research on the performance of electro-hydraulic servo valve, a fault diagnosis method of electro-hydraulic servo valve based on virtual instrument is proposed, and the simulation experiment is carried out, and the expected effect is obtained. The system is programmed with LabVIEW6.1 software under Windows XP system. It has friendly man-machine interface, simple program, easy to read and maintain. The signal source and testing function are realized by software programming, which reduces the actual instrument and the cost of the system.


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