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發(fā)布時間:2018-07-25 20:12
【摘要】:液壓電機泵是將電動機、液壓泵及孔板離心泵融合為一體的新型液壓動力單元,具有結構緊湊、靜音、效率高、無外泄漏等優(yōu)點,液壓電機泵已經成為液壓動力單元的一個重要的發(fā)展方向。本文主要是對液壓電機泵內部流動問題開展研究,采用理論分析、數(shù)值仿真與試驗相結合的方法,對液壓電機泵中孔板離心泵的增壓作用進行深入分析。應用Fluent流場仿真軟件對不同進油方式下的液壓電機泵主泵吸油流場進行仿真計算,研究不同進油方式對孔板離心泵增壓作用的影響。并在此基礎上對液壓電機泵內部流道進行了進一步的優(yōu)化,同時對不同轉速條件下的主泵吸油流場進行數(shù)值計算,獲得孔板離心泵增壓作用隨轉速變化規(guī)律。搭建液壓電機泵樣機測試系統(tǒng),對液壓電機泵的流量、轉速、容積效率、噪聲等進行測量,并與同規(guī)格電機油泵組實驗數(shù)據(jù)進行對比分析。本論文對液壓電機泵吸油流道的設計具有重要的參考價值,并對研制高效液壓電機泵與改善液壓泵自吸性能具有普適的指導意義。 論文的主要內容如下: 第1章,闡述了本課題的研究背景及意義;系統(tǒng)介紹了液壓電機泵的研究及發(fā)展概況,概括并總結了本論文的主要研究內容。 第2章,對液壓電機泵的內部結構進行了說明,并詳細闡述了液壓電機泵的工作原理;應用Fluent流場仿真軟件,對不同進油方式下的液壓電機泵主泵吸油流場進行仿真計算,研究不同進油方式對孔板離心泵增壓作用的影響。并在此基礎上對液壓電機泵內部流道進行了進一步的優(yōu)化,對修改后的主泵吸油流場進行仿真計算,結果表明:改進后的孔板離心泵增壓作用較之改進前有了顯著的提升,能夠有效提高主泵吸油性能;簡化了液壓電機泵進油結構,有利于工作過程中的散熱。 第3章,通過流場仿真軟件Fluent對修改后的液壓電機泵主泵吸油流場進行仿真計算,獲得主泵吸油流場在不同轉速下的總壓分布云圖并進行對比分析,得到如下結論:隨著轉速的不斷升高,主泵吸油流場中的吸油流道負壓不斷增大;孔板離心泵的增壓作用隨轉速的升高而增強;孔板離心泵出口(主泵吸油腔進口)總壓分布并不均勻,出口總壓的最大值可以作為評定孔板離心泵提升主泵吸油性能的指標,總壓最大值隨著轉速的升高而升高,呈現(xiàn)近似線性的變化規(guī)律?装咫x心泵的增壓效果隨轉速的升高而增強,為主泵充分供油,提高主泵的吸油性能。 第4章,搭建了液壓電機泵樣機性能試驗系統(tǒng),并應用該系統(tǒng)對液壓電機泵與同等規(guī)格電機油泵組進行對比試驗,獲得了流量、轉速、容積效率、壓力、噪聲等實驗數(shù)據(jù)。通過試驗可以得知:孔板離心泵可明顯地促進主泵充分吸油,液壓電機泵與同規(guī)格電機油泵組相比容積效率高1.25%左右;當轉速低于1395r/min后,液壓電機泵容積效率開始低于電機油泵組,會對主泵吸油產生不利影響,壓力上升至22MPa時,液壓電機泵容積效率相對降低2.7%。結合流場仿真計算結果,最終總結出了孔板離心泵增壓效應的確切含義。液壓電機泵噪聲聲級明顯比電機油泵組低,當輸出壓力上升至16MPa時,液壓電機泵噪聲聲級低13.5dB,噪聲頻譜以低頻噪聲為主,孔板離心泵為主泵充分供油,有效減少了因吸油不足而產生的氣穴噪聲。 最后,對本論文的研究工作和成果進行了總結,并展望了下一步的研究工作。
[Abstract]:The hydraulic motor pump is a new type of hydraulic power unit which combines the motor, the hydraulic pump and the hole plate centrifugal pump. It has the advantages of compact structure, quiet, high efficiency, no leakage and so on. The hydraulic motor pump has become an important development direction of the hydraulic power unit. This paper mainly studies the internal flow problem of the hydraulic motor pump. Using the method of theoretical analysis, numerical simulation and experiment, the pressurization of the hole plate centrifugal pump in the hydraulic motor pump is analyzed in depth. The simulation calculation of the oil absorption flow field of the main pump of the hydraulic motor pump under different oil intake mode is carried out by using the Fluent flow field simulation software, and the effect of the different oil intake mode on the turbocharging of the hole plate centrifugal pump is studied. On the basis of this, the internal flow path of the hydraulic motor pump is further optimized. At the same time, the flow field of the main pump in the main pump under different rotational speeds is calculated, and the law of the pressure change with the speed of the hole plate centrifugal pump is obtained. The test system of the hydraulic motor pump prototype is built, and the flow, speed, volume efficiency and noise of the hydraulic motor pump are set up. This paper has an important reference value for the design of the oil suction flow channel of the hydraulic motor pump, and has the universal guiding significance for the development of the high efficiency hydraulic motor pump and the improvement of the self-priming performance of the hydraulic pump.
The main contents of the paper are as follows:
In the first chapter, the background and significance of the research are expounded, the research and development of the hydraulic motor pump are introduced systematically, and the main contents of this paper are summarized and summarized.
In the second chapter, the internal structure of the hydraulic motor pump is explained, and the working principle of the hydraulic motor pump is expounded in detail. The simulation software of the Fluent flow field simulation software is used to simulate the oil absorption flow field of the main pump of the hydraulic motor pump under different oil intake modes, and the influence of different oil intake modes on the turbocharging of the orifice centrifugal pump is studied. The internal flow path of the hydraulic motor pump is further optimized. The simulation calculation of the oil absorption flow field of the modified main pump is carried out. The result shows that the booster effect of the improved hole plate centrifugal pump has a remarkable improvement compared with that before the improvement. It can effectively improve the oil absorption performance of the main pump, and simplify the oil intake structure of the hydraulic motor pump, which is beneficial to the work. Heat dissipation in the course.
The third chapter, through the flow field simulation software Fluent, simulated the oil absorption flow field of the modified hydraulic motor pump main pump, and obtained the total pressure distribution cloud chart of the main pump oil absorption flow field at different rotational speeds and carried on the contrast analysis. The following conclusion is drawn: with the continuous increase of the speed, the suction flow channel negative pressure in the oil suction flow field of the main pump increases continuously; The supercharging effect of the plate centrifugal pump increases with the speed. The total pressure distribution of the outlet of the orifice plate centrifugal pump (the inlet of the main pump suction chamber) is not uniform. The maximum value of the total pressure of the outlet can be used as an index to evaluate the oil absorption performance of the main pump, and the maximum total pressure increases with the increase of the speed, and presents an approximate linear change rule. The supercharging effect of the orifice centrifugal pump increases with the increase of speed, and the main pump provides sufficient oil to improve the oil absorption performance of the main pump.
In the fourth chapter, the performance test system of the hydraulic motor pump prototype is built, and the experimental data of the flow, speed, volume efficiency, pressure and noise are obtained by using the system to compare the hydraulic motor pump with the same specifications of the motor oil pump, and the test can be found that the hole plate centrifugal pump can obviously promote the full oil absorption of the main pump and the hydraulic motor. The volume efficiency of the pump is about 1.25% higher than that of the same size motor oil pump group. When the speed is lower than 1395r/min, the volume efficiency of the hydraulic motor pump begins to be lower than the motor oil pump group. It will have a negative effect on the oil absorption of the main pump. When the pressure rises to 22MPa, the volume efficiency of the hydraulic motor pump decreases relative to the simulation result of the flow field of 2.7%. combined with the simulation result. Finally, the results are summed up. The noise level of the hydraulic motor pump is obviously lower than that of the motor oil pump group. When the output pressure rises to 16MPa, the noise level of the hydraulic motor pump is low 13.5dB, the noise spectrum is mainly low frequency noise, and the hole plate centrifugal pump is the main pump, which reduces the cavitation noise caused by the lack of oil absorption.
Finally, the research work and achievements of this thesis are summarized, and the next research work is prospected.


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