
當(dāng)前位置:主頁(yè) > 科技論文 > 機(jī)械論文 >


發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-07-25 06:45
[Abstract]:Sliding bearing is an important part of gas turbine, steam turbine, gearbox and other rotating machinery. It has many outstanding advantages, such as stable work, high bearing capacity, low friction coefficient, good vibration absorption and reliable operation. The trend of the development of modern engineering technology is to increase bearing capacity and speed of bearing, which will cause the temperature of lubricating oil in sliding bearing to rise sharply, and the viscosity of lubricating oil will decrease or even lose its lubricating ability. The application and research of oil and gas lubrication in rolling bearing, open gear, train flange and chain drive have proved that the lubricating and cooling effect of oil and gas lubrication is good, suitable for extreme working conditions, high temperature and polluted working environment. However, in the traditional sliding bearing, the application of oil and gas lubrication is faced with the problem that the bearing temperature rises and the heat transfer efficiency is low, which can not reflect the advantages obtained in other fields. This paper takes the application of oil and gas lubrication technology in sliding bearing as the research object, aiming at the problem that the cooling effect of oil and gas lubrication of existing sliding bearing is not ideal, this paper makes a detailed theoretical analysis and experimental study on the oil and gas lubrication transport characteristics and lubrication technology. The main contents of this paper are as follows: 1: 1. This paper analyzes the obstacles of applying oil and gas lubrication technology to sliding bearings, determines the technical ways of applying oil and gas lubrication technology to sliding bearings, and establishes a mathematical model .2. which describes the flow field of oil and gas lubricated sliding bearings and the gas-liquid two phase flow model. The flow characteristics of two-phase flow in horizontal oil and gas conveying pipe are studied experimentally. The effects of oil supply and gas volume flow on the flow pattern and pressure drop of the two-phase flow in the pipe are analyzed, and the pressure loss correlation formula of the two-phase flow in the pipe is obtained. Through numerical simulation, the detailed characteristics of oil and gas two-phase flow in horizontal oil and gas pipeline are obtained, and the calculated results are in good agreement with the experimental data. In this paper, the computational model of the swirling heating cylinder for injection cooling of oil-gas two-phase fluid is established, and the numerical simulation is carried out. The average Nussel number of each region of the cylinder and the whole Nussel number are obtained with the injection distance of the oil-gas two-phase flow. The variation of jet Reynolds number and cylinder speed is studied. The influence of gas supply pressure and injection distance on the jet velocity is studied. The influence of load and rotational speed on the temperature rise of bearing and the distribution of temperature field and pressure field of two-phase flow in bearing are studied. The relationship between the average convection heat transfer coefficient of oil and gas lubrication and oil injection lubrication with friction power is compared and analyzed. The influence of different air flow rate on the average convection heat transfer coefficient of oil and gas lubrication is obtained. In this paper, a comparative test of oil-immersed lubrication and oil-gas lubrication is carried out on the friction pairs of shaft and partial bearing. Based on the temperature rise and friction coefficient of oil and gas lubricating parts, the performance parameters such as oil supply, gas supply and nozzle position are carried out. The influence of nozzle type and other structural parameters on lubricating performance is studied. The main influencing factors of temperature rise are given. A comparative experimental study on the static characteristic parameters, such as temperature rise, friction torque, friction coefficient of new type sliding bearing oil lubrication and oil and gas lubrication, has been carried out, and the load and fuel supply have been carried out with temperature rise, friction moment and friction coefficient as the discriminant index. The main influencing factors of oil and gas lubrication characteristics of sliding bearings were obtained by orthogonal test of air supply and bearing structure.


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