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發(fā)布時間:2018-07-23 07:54
【摘要】:對于旋轉機械,尤其是轉速遠高于一階臨界轉速的高速轉子,軸承—轉子系統(tǒng)的臨界轉速等固有的性質,會影響旋轉機械的平穩(wěn)性。影響平穩(wěn)性的最普遍的問題是振動問題,轉子系統(tǒng)大幅振動,不但影響高速永磁起動發(fā)電機的性能,還可能出現(xiàn)各種事故,導致高速永磁起動發(fā)電機不能正常工作。 本文中所要研究的高速永磁起動式發(fā)電機,其轉速要求達到每分鐘十萬轉左右,工作轉速遠遠高于一階的臨界轉速,將其作為剛性軸進行研究已經(jīng)不能達到預期的效果,因此要將轉子作為撓性軸進行動態(tài)特性分析。 本文以轉子動力學作為基礎的理論,建立了傳遞矩陣法計算臨界轉速的模型;同時使用該改進的Riccati傳遞矩陣法,解決了漏根、錯根的問題;借助于Pro/E、MATLAB、ANSYS等軟件進行了模型參數(shù)的計算,編制了計算臨界轉速和模態(tài)振型的程序;通過對文獻算例的驗證,證明了程序的正確性;在MATLAB的基礎上,對動力學軟件的設計進行了初步的嘗試;設計了簡單的可視化界面。 在影響臨界轉速的因素中,對軸承支座的剛度和軸承的剛度兩個方面進行了分析,其中軸承的剛度又從軸承預緊力、接觸角、轉子轉速三個方面進行了分析。對高速永磁起動發(fā)電機使用動剛度進行了臨界轉速、模態(tài)振型的計算。 在理論分析的基礎上,對軸承支座進行了力錘的瞬態(tài)激振實驗,從中分析出軸承支座的固有頻率、軸承支座剛度等模態(tài)參數(shù);對軸承正常工作時進行了動態(tài)信號的采集,分析了高速永磁起動發(fā)電機運轉過程中產(chǎn)生振動的原因,從實時頻譜中找出了高速永磁起動發(fā)電機的臨界轉速;從實驗得出了臨界轉速隨軸承預緊力的變化規(guī)律;根據(jù)變化規(guī)律提出了調整臨界轉速的措施。 最后在以上分析的基礎上,對剛性聯(lián)軸器—轉子系統(tǒng)、撓性聯(lián)軸器—轉子系統(tǒng)的臨界轉速進行了分析比較。
[Abstract]:For rotating machinery, especially for high speed rotors whose rotational speed is much higher than the first order critical speed, the critical speed of the bearing-rotor system will affect the smoothness of the rotating machinery. The most common problem affecting the stability is vibration. The large vibration of rotor system not only affects the performance of high speed permanent magnet starter generator, but also may occur various accidents, resulting in the high speed permanent magnet starting generator can not work normally. In this paper, the speed of the high speed permanent magnet starter generator is required to reach about 100, 000 revolutions per minute, and the working speed is much higher than the first order critical speed. Therefore, the rotor should be used as a flexible shaft to analyze the dynamic characteristics. Based on the theory of rotor dynamics, the transfer matrix method is used to calculate the critical rotational speed, and the improved Riccati transfer matrix method is used to solve the problem of leakage root and wrong root. With the help of Prop / EMA MATLAB ANSYS and other software, the calculation of the model parameters is carried out, and the program for calculating the critical rotational speed and modal mode is compiled, and the correctness of the program is proved through the verification of an example in the literature. The design of dynamic software is tried and a simple visual interface is designed. Among the factors affecting the critical rotational speed, the stiffness of bearing support and bearing are analyzed, and the stiffness of bearing is analyzed from three aspects: bearing preload, contact angle and rotor speed. The critical rotational speed and modal mode of the high speed permanent magnet starter generator are calculated. On the basis of theoretical analysis, the transient vibration test of the bearing support is carried out, from which the modal parameters such as the natural frequency and the stiffness of the bearing support are analyzed, and the dynamic signals are collected when the bearing is working normally. In this paper, the cause of vibration of high speed permanent magnet starter generator is analyzed, the critical speed of high speed permanent magnet starter generator is found out from the real time spectrum, and the variation rule of critical speed with bearing preload force is obtained from the experiment. According to the law of change, the measures to adjust the critical speed are put forward. Finally, the critical speeds of rigid coupling rotor system and flexible coupling rotor system are analyzed and compared on the basis of the above analysis.


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