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發(fā)布時間:2018-07-20 15:44
[Abstract]:In recent years, the research on unmanned flying machine has reached the level of white-hot. Various UAV system architectures have been proposed in recent years. As the core of UAV control, UAV flight control platform shoulders many complicated and special tasks, such as collecting and uploading data from various sensor peripherals, operating servo controller and logging during UAV flight. Communicate with ground control station, etc. Therefore, a UAV flight control platform with low power consumption, sufficient performance and high reliability is the most important part of UAV system. Aiming at the specific shortcomings of all kinds of flight control in the market at present, based on the SAMV71Q21 microprocessor of Cortex-M7, this paper takes the NUTTX embedded real-time OS as the underlying foundation of the flight control software platform architecture. A set of UAV flight control software and hardware platform is designed. The purpose of this design is to provide a platform for UAV flight control system, so it does not involve the specific algorithm research and the corresponding module design. The whole flight control platform can be described from hardware architecture and software design. In the aspect of hardware architecture, due to the balance and unity of low power consumption, high performance and rich interface, this paper adopts SAMV71Q21 microprocessor based on Cortex-M7 architecture produced by Atmel Company as the core of flight control hardware. In the design process of peripheral interface, all kinds of interfaces that may be involved in UAV flight control platform, such as RS485C2CU SPIcan and so on, are provided on hardware platform. The sensor module mainly includes MTI attitude measurement module and MS5803 high precision barometer. The wireless communication module provides SBUS interface, which is mainly used to receive SBUS remote receiver signal and output SBUS signal, control the cloud head and capture the infrared control camera. At the same time, the UART bus interface is provided for the communication between the data transmission module and the graphic transmission module between the flight control platform and the earth station. In the aspect of software design, considering the reliability and real-time requirement of UAV to software platform, this paper adopts the software platform design scheme based on Nuttx real-time embedded operating system. The system adopts UNIX-like architecture and has complete task scheduling module, file management system and memory management module, which is very suitable for complex peripheral scenarios of flight control platform and various task requirements. At the same time, a micro-object agent inter-process communication module is introduced to solve the real-time problem of inter-process data transmission. The inter-process communication system is a real-time communication system, which is responsible for the information exchange between sensors or between sensors and upper applications. These measures enable the software platform to achieve better real-time, portability and reliability. After the completion of the whole hardware platform and software platform, the hardware of the flight control platform and related sensor networks, the operating system is verified and tested. Finally, the feasibility and practicability of the whole flight control platform are verified. The final flight test also proved that the flight control system can meet the project design requirements.


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