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發(fā)布時間:2018-07-20 14:11
【摘要】:嵌入式技術隨著后PC時代的到來得到了迅猛的發(fā)展,人才缺口較大!肚度胧较到y(tǒng)》是一門實踐性很強的課程,其實驗設備更新?lián)Q代快、投入大,一些高校無力提供足夠的實驗設備。而遠程教育則不能提供真實的設備。采用信息網(wǎng)絡技術建立嵌入式課程的虛擬實驗系統(tǒng)成為解決此類問題的可行方案。 本文通過對國內(nèi)外虛擬實驗系統(tǒng)以及嵌入式實驗教學現(xiàn)狀的深入調(diào)研,結合嵌入式系統(tǒng)和現(xiàn)有Web虛擬實驗教學平臺的特點,設計了一個界面和內(nèi)核相分離的嵌入式技術虛擬實驗系統(tǒng),并針對內(nèi)核和接口部分的設計和實現(xiàn)過程進行了詳細的描述。 系統(tǒng)采用面向對象技術對內(nèi)核部分進行仿真建模,將其分成虛擬設備系統(tǒng)、指令仿真系統(tǒng)和控制系統(tǒng)三個部分。在虛擬設備系統(tǒng)中建立了通用的設備模型,對設備進行獨立設計和實現(xiàn),方便了設備的擴展和實驗的自由搭建;按照解釋執(zhí)行的方式對指令系統(tǒng)進行了仿真,保證了用戶透明性;在控制系統(tǒng)中利用消息機制簡化了實驗運行控制的復雜度,設計了消息的統(tǒng)一格式和調(diào)度算法,實現(xiàn)了實驗電路信號的傳遞和用戶操作的處理。整個內(nèi)核部分采用純軟件建模方式實現(xiàn),具有良好的移植性。系統(tǒng)按照豐富性、方便性和可擴展性要求設計了內(nèi)核接口,并采用JNA技術進行了實現(xiàn),使界面部分能夠便捷地調(diào)用內(nèi)核提供的功能,從而向用戶全面地展示整個實驗過程。 本文以8051單片機系統(tǒng)為例,介紹了按照內(nèi)核模型設計和實現(xiàn)具體設備、處理器及指令系統(tǒng)的過程。并以8051的兩個綜合實驗對系統(tǒng)內(nèi)核進行了測試,驗證了內(nèi)核模型的合理性。內(nèi)核部分的良好設計保證了系統(tǒng)擴展性以及后續(xù)添加Web界面部分后運行的穩(wěn)定性,能夠滿足嵌入式虛擬實驗教學平臺發(fā)展的需要。
[Abstract]:With the arrival of the post-PC era, embedded technology has been developing rapidly, and the talent gap is large. Embedded system is a very practical course, its experimental equipment is updated quickly, and the investment is large. Some colleges and universities are unable to provide enough experimental equipment. Distance education, on the other hand, does not provide real equipment. Using information network technology to set up the virtual experiment system of embedded course is a feasible scheme to solve this kind of problem. In this paper, the characteristics of embedded system and Web virtual experiment teaching platform are analyzed by investigating the present situation of virtual experiment system and embedded experiment teaching at home and abroad, and combining with the characteristics of embedded system and Web virtual experiment teaching platform. A virtual experimental system of embedded technology is designed in which the interface is separated from the kernel, and the design and implementation of the kernel and interface are described in detail. The system uses object-oriented technology to simulate and model the kernel part, which is divided into three parts: virtual device system, instruction simulation system and control system. In the virtual device system, a general device model is established, and the device is designed and implemented independently, which facilitates the expansion of the device and the free construction of the experiment, and simulates the instruction system according to the way of interpretation and execution. In the control system, the complexity of the control is simplified by using the message mechanism, and the unified format and scheduling algorithm of the message are designed, which can realize the signal transmission of the experimental circuit and the processing of the user operation. The whole kernel part is realized by pure software modeling, which has good portability. According to the requirements of richness convenience and expansibility the system designed the kernel interface and implemented it by using JNA technology. The interface part can call the functions provided by the kernel conveniently and show the whole experiment process to the user. Taking 8051 single chip computer system as an example, this paper introduces the process of designing and implementing the specific equipment, processor and instruction system according to the kernel model. The kernel of the system is tested with two comprehensive experiments of 8051, and the rationality of the kernel model is verified. The good design of the kernel ensures the expansibility of the system and the stability of the subsequent operation after adding the Web interface, which can meet the needs of the development of the embedded virtual experimental teaching platform.


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