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發(fā)布時間:2018-07-18 14:33
【摘要】:電子樂譜閱讀器可以幫助演奏者自動翻譜,保障演奏者良好的演奏節(jié)奏,而且還能根據(jù)播放的進度自動跳轉(zhuǎn)翻譜,非常適合樂譜愛好者學(xué)習(xí)時使用。本設(shè)計以代替?zhèn)鹘y(tǒng)的紙質(zhì)樂譜為目的,以天嵌S3C2440開發(fā)板為硬件平臺,以嵌入式Linux操作系統(tǒng)和Qt圖形界面工具作為軟件平臺,實現(xiàn)了一個便攜的、操作界面人性化的、能自動翻譜的電子樂譜閱讀器。主要工作如下: 1.通過對嵌入式系統(tǒng)的研究,結(jié)合對目前市場上的電子讀譜器的功能分析,提出了更為合理的設(shè)計需求。 2.綜合分析了微處理器的選型,并基于S3C2440微處理器及其外圍接口,給出了硬件的總體設(shè)計,并完成了觸摸屏模塊和LCD顯示模塊等硬件模塊的設(shè)計。 3.通過對Linux操作系統(tǒng)的深入分析,給出了操作系統(tǒng)移植的開發(fā)流程,包括Bootloader定制,內(nèi)核移植,根文件系統(tǒng)的移植,最后將設(shè)計的程序成功移植到開發(fā)板上 4.通過對Linux下驅(qū)動模型的認(rèn)識和解析,以及對內(nèi)核的配置和代碼的編譯,實現(xiàn)了基于S3C2440的LCD驅(qū)動移植,觸摸屏驅(qū)動移植以及音頻驅(qū)動移植。 5.利用Qt圖形界面工具進行應(yīng)用程序的設(shè)計,實現(xiàn)了音樂播放,樂譜顯示,自動翻譜,樂譜修改等模塊的功能。 最后將程序移植到ARM平臺,根據(jù)所顯示的界面效果,總結(jié)分析了本系統(tǒng)的不足之處,并對電子讀譜器的未來研究方向做了展望。
[Abstract]:Electronic music reader can help players to turn over the music automatically, ensure the player's good playing rhythm, and also can automatically jump over the music according to the progress of play, which is very suitable for music lovers to learn to use. The purpose of this design is to replace the traditional paper music score, to take the sky embedded S3C2440 development board as the hardware platform, to take the embedded Linux operating system and the QT graphical interface tool as the software platform, to realize a portable and humanized operation interface. An electronic music reader that automatically flips music. The main work is as follows: 1. Based on the research of embedded system and the analysis of the function of electronic spectrum reader in the market at present, a more reasonable design requirement is put forward. 2. The selection of microprocessor is analyzed synthetically. Based on S3C2440 microprocessor and its peripheral interface, the overall design of hardware is given, and the hardware modules such as touch screen module and LCD display module are designed. 3. Through the in-depth analysis of Linux operating system, the development process of operating system transplantation is given, including bootloader customization, kernel transplantation and root file system transplantation. Finally, the designed program is successfully transplanted to the development board. Through understanding and analyzing the driver model under Linux and compiling the kernel configuration and code, LCD driver porting, touch screen driver porting and audio driver porting based on S3C2440 are realized. 5. The QT graphical interface tool is used to design the application program, and the functions of music playing, music score display, automatic music flipping, music score modification and so on are realized. Finally, the program is transplanted to arm platform. According to the interface effect, the shortcomings of the system are summarized and analyzed, and the future research direction of electronic spectrum reader is prospected.


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